A5 – Special field lexicography and terminology


The EMLex offers a diverse spectrum of teachers & lecturers from around the globe. This course will be held by:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Schierholz

Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Prof. Dr. Rute Costa

NOVA University Lisbon



By means of selected short texts, the module provides an insight into specialised languages as an important means of communication in modern forms of society, offers a critical examination of professional connections, and allows for a better understanding of the need for specialised languages and the use of a specialised language in one’s own education. The differences between specialised communication science and terminology science will be explored, while the identification of terminologies and the management of terminology databases will be presented by means of hands-on exercises. Topics to be treated in this module include:

  1. Special field communication and specialised language communication
  2. Lexicography and lexicography for special purposes
  3. Dictionaries for special purposes and encyclopaedias
  4. Specialised languages and terminology science
  5. Terminography and terminology databases
  6. Standardisation organisations, organisation of work
  7. Procedures and methods: corpus-based work, definition theory, the formation of terminology
  8. Corpora, exchange formats, extracting term candidates, texts, tools
  9. Project examples

Please see the module description for further information.


Guest lecturer:

  • Dr. habil. Pál Uzonyi (ELTE)

General information:

Time frame
Room R6 III/12
Evaluation method presentation in class + a brief paper (10-15 pages)
Teaching language German and English


Information on the EMLex 2023 Summer school:

This course can be taken as a summer school course in the summer term of 2023.