Retranslation in Context V
International Conference

21-22 April 2022
Susanne Margret Cadera (Comillas Pontifical University)

Dr. Susanne M. Cadera is a lecturer in Translation Studies at Comillas Pontifical University Madrid and holds degrees in Hispanic, German and English Philology from the University of Cologne (Germany), where she obtained her PhD in 2001. She has participated in several research projects in areas such as Translation Studies, Interpreter Training, and Myth Criticism. She currently leads the research project entitled “Retranslation and Reception”, funded by Comillas Pontifical University, which is the continuation of the project “Textual and Cultural Interaction: Retranslations” (2012-2017). She also participates in “Aglaya-Innovation Strategies in Cultural Myth Criticism”, financed with public funds. Within her research interests she has published/(co)edited the following books: Dargestellte Mündlichkeit in Romanen von Mario Vargas Llosa (Librairie Droz 2002), The Voices of Suspense and Their Translation in Thrillers (Rodopi 2014), and Literary Retranslation in Context (Peter Lang 2017). Currently she is preparing with her colleague Andrew Walsh a new volume on Retranslation entitled Retranslation and Reception.

Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar (Boğaziçi University) 

Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar is professor of translation studies and teaches in the graduate programs at Glendon College (York University, Toronto) and Boğaziçi University (Istanbul). Her main fields of interest are translation history, ideology and translation and periodical studies. She is the author of Politics and Poetics of Translation in Turkey (Rodopi, 2008) and co-editor of Tradition, Tension and Translation in Turkey (Benjamins, 2015), Perspectives on Retranslation: Ideology, Paratexts, Methods (Routledge, 2019) and Studies from a Retranslation Culture: The Turkish Context (Springer 2020). She also edited and co-edited various special issues of international journals.