Készült: 2016-02-15
Módosítás: 2016-09-12

Marcus Andreas Kracht

Cím: Prof. Dr.
Nem: férfi
Születési év: 1964
Születési hely:
Hivatali telefonszám:

Doktori tanulmányok
Doktori (PhD) védés éve: 1991
Tudományág: Matematika
Disszertáció címe:
Oklevelet kiállító intézmény: Freie Universität, Berlin

MA-fokozat megszerzésének éve: 1988
Tudományág(ak): Kognitív tudomány
Oklevelet kiállító intézmény: University of Edinburgh

Fokozat megszerzésének éve: 1987
Tudományág(ak): Matematika/Fizika
Oklevelet kiállító intézmény: Freie Universität, Berlin

Egyéb tanulmányok és képesítések

Intézmény Képesítés Év
Freie Universität Berlin Habilitáció matematikából 1997
University of Potsdam Habilitáció általános nyelvészetből 1999

Jelenlegi munkaadó: Bielefeldi Egyetem
Tanszék: Nyelvészeti és Irodalomtudományi Tanszék
Beosztás: egyetemi tanár

Korábbi munkaadó:

Egyéb korábbi munkaadó:

Kutatási és oktatási szakterületek

Parciális logika, Általános algebra, Matematika biológusoknak, Modális logika, Formális nyelvelmélet, Logika és modellelmélet, Logika informatikusoknak, Diszkrét matematika informatikusoknak, Algebra, Logika és komplexitás, Matematika mérnököknek
Bevezetés a szemantikába, Bevezetés a pragmatikába, Kompozícionalitás, Dinamikus szemantika, A nyelvészet formális módszerei, Térszemantika, Szintaktikai elméletek, Matematikai nyelvészet, Bevezetés a nyelvészetbe, Statisztika nyelvészeknek, Szemantika
Komputációs nyelvészet, Komputációs szemantika, Markup nyelvek, Az információ strukturációja

Tudományos kutatócsoportban vagy projektben való részvétel

Oktatásszervezés, tudományszervezés

Időszak Funkció vagy tevékenység


Nyelv Nyelvtudás szintje és fajtája
német anyanyelv
angol felsőfok
francia felsőfok
holland felsőfok
magyar felsőfok

Díjak és kitüntetések

Díj vagy kitüntetés neve Kiadó intézmény Elnyerés éve
Heisenberg Kutatói Ösztöndíj   2000
Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes ösztöndíj    

Tagság tudományos társaságokban

Szervezet neve Betöltött funkció
Association for Symbolic Logic  
Foundation of Logic, Language and Information  
Mathematics of Language  
Association for Computational Linguistics  
Deutsche Vereinigung für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik  

Vendégoktatás és kutatóutak külföldi intézményekben

Időszak Intézmény Tevékenység

Doktori témavezetések

Doktori hallgató neve,
Kutatási téma / Disszertáció címe Védés éve

Opponencia doktori védéseken

Doktori hallgató neve,
Kutatási téma / Disszertáció címe Védés éve


Publikációs lista


(as Editor) Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI. Stanford. 1998. Coeditors: Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing, Michael Zakharyaschev.

Tools and Techniques in Modal Logic, Studies in Logics Nr. 142. Elsevier. 1999. (559 + xiv Pages)

The Mathematics of Language. Mouton de Gruyter. 2003. (589 + xvi Pages)

Interpreted Languages and Compositionality. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 89. Springer. 2011. (212 + x Pages)


How Completeness and Correspondence Theory Got Married. In Maarten de Rijke (ed.): Diamonds and Defaults. Synthese Library vol. 229. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. 175–214.

Power and Weakness of the Modal Display Calculus. In Heinrich Wansing(ed.): Proof Theory of Modal Logic. Studies in Applied Logic Vol. 2. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 1996. 95–122.

Inessential Features. In Christian Retor ´e (ed.): Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence No. 1328. 1997. 43–62.

Semilinearity as a syntactic invariant. In Christian Retor ´e (ed.): Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence No. 1328. 1997. 329–345. (With Jens Michaelis).

Adjunction Structures and Syntactic Domains. In Hans–Peter Kolb and Uwe Mönnich (eds.): The Mathematics of Syntactic Structure. Trees and their Logics. Studies in Generative Grammar Nr. 44. Mouton–de Gruyter. Berlin, 1998. 259–299.

Logic and Syntax—A Personal Perspective. In Maarten de Rijke, Krister Segerberg, Heinrich Wansing and Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.): Advances in Modal Logic ’98. 1999. CSLI.

Dynamic Semantics. In Fritz Hamm and Thomas Ede Zimmermann (eds.): Semantics. Linguistische Berichte Sonderheft 10. Helmut Buske Verlag.
2002. 217–241.

36. The Semantics of Modal Predicate Logic. Part I: Completeness. In Frank Wolter, Maarten de Rijke and Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.): Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 3. CSLI, Stanford, 2001. (With Oliver Kutz)

Against the Feature Bundle Theory of Case. Ellen Brandner and Heike Zinsmeister (eds.): New Perspectives on Case, CSLI. 2003. 165–190.

Notes on the Space Requirement for Checking Satisfiability in Modal Logics. In Philippe Balbiani, Nobo-Yuki Suzuki, Frank Wolter and Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.): Advances in Modal Logic 4. King’s College Publications. 2003. 243–264.

Notes on Substitution in First-Order Logic. In Vincent Hendricks, Fabian Neuhaus, Stig-Andur Pedersen, Uwe Scheffler, Heinrich Wansing (eds.): First-Order Logic Revisited. Logos Verlag, Berlin. 2004. 155–172.

Elementary Models for Modal Predicate Logic. Part 2: Modal Individuals Revisited. In Reinhard Kahle (ed.): Intensional Logic. ASL Lecture Notes in Logic, A. K. Peters. 2005. 60–96. (With Oliver Kutz)

Directionality Selection. In Patrick Saint–Dizier (ed.): Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions. Springer. 2005. 101–114.

Modal Consequence Relations. In Johan van Benthem, Patrick Blackburn and Frank Wolter (eds.): Handbook of Modal Logic. Elsevier. 495–549.

Logically Possible Worlds and Counterpart Theory. In Dale Jacquette (ed.): Handbook of the Philosophy of Logic. Elsevier. 2007. 963–1018. (With Oliver Kutz)

The Fine Structure of Local Expressions. In Anna Asbury, Jakub Dotlacil,Berit Gehrke and Rick Nouwen: Syntax and Semantics of Spatial P. Amsterdam: John Benjamin’s. 2008. 35–62.

The Logic of Action. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2008. (With Jean-Jules Meyer and Krister Segerberg)

On the Logic of LGB-Type Structures. Part I: Multidominance Structures. In Friedrich Hamm and Stephan Kepser (eds.): Logics for Linguistic Structures. Mouton-de Gruyter. 2008. 105 - 142.

The Inner Dialog: Pragmatics for One Person. In Klaus Robering and Sebastian Bab (eds.): Judgements and Propositions, Logische Philosophie Vol. 21, Logos Verlag. 2010. 39 - 59.

Brentano’s Apple. In Thomas Hanneforth and Gisbert Fanselow (eds.): Language and Logos. Studies in Theoretical and Computational Linguistics. Studia Grammatica Nr. 72. Akademie Verlag. 2010. 202 - 213.

Modal Logic Foundations of Markup-Structures in Annotation Systems. In Alexander Mehler, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Henning Lobin, Harald Lüngen,Angelika Storrer and Andreas Witt (Eds.): Modeling, Learning and Processing of Text Technological Data Structures. Studies in Computational Intelligence 370. Springer. Berlin. 2011. 111 - 127.

Compositionality in Montague Grammar. In Wolfram Hintzen, Edouard Machery and Markus Werning (Eds.): Handbook of Compositionality. Oxford.2012. 47 - 63.

Die Entmaterialisierung des Wissens. Gedanken über ein Zivilisationsprojekt. Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik XLVI, 1(2014), 123 – 132.

Notes on Disagreement. In: Daniel Gutzman, Jan Köpping, and Cécile
Meier: Evaluations - Denotations - Entities. Studies in Context, Contents and the Foundation of Semantics. Brill, Leiden, 2014. 276 – 305. (With Udo Klein.)

Using Each Other’s Words. In Arnold Koslow and Arthur Buchsbaum (Eds.): The Road to Universal Logic. Birkhäuser. 2015. 241-249.

Cikkek tudományos folyóiratokban

On the Logic of Category Definitions. Computational Linguistics 15(1989).111–113.

An Almost General Splitting Theorem For Modal Logic. Studia Logica
49(1990). 455–470.

A Solution to a Problem of Urquhart. Journal of Philosophical Logic 20(1991). 285–286.

Properties of Independently Axiomatizable Bimodal Logics. The Journal of Symbolic Logic 56(1991). 1469 - 1485. (With Frank Wolter)

Even more about the lattice of tense logics. Archive of Mathematical Logic 31(1992). 243–257.

Splittings and the finite model property. The Journal of Symbolic Logic 58(1993). 139–157.

Prefinitely axiomatizable modal and intermediate logics. Mathematical Logic Quarterly (formerly ZML) 39(1993). 301–322.

Gumm’s Theorem and the Structure of Minimal Algebras. Algebra Universalis 33(1995). 142–146.

Highway to the Danger Zone. Journal of Logic and Computation 5(1995). 93–109.

Is there a genuine modal perspective on feature structures?. Linguistics and Philosophy 18(1995). 401–458.

Syntactic Codes and Grammar Refinement. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4(1995). 41–60.

On Extensions of Intermediate Logics by Strong Negation. Journal of Philosophical Logic 27(1998). 49–73.

Simulation and Transfer Results in Modal Logic—A Survey. Studia Logica 59(1997). 149–177. (With Frank Wolter)

Normal monomodal logics can simulate all others. The Journal for Symbolic Logic 64(1999). 99–138. (With Frank Wolter).

Lattices of Modal Logics and Their Groups of Automorphisms. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 100 (1999). 99–139.

Modal Logics That Need Very Large Frames. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40(1999). 141–173.

Reducing Modal Consequence Relations. Journal of Logic and Computation 11(2001). 879–907.

Syntax in Chains. Linguistics and Philosophy 24(2001). 467–529.

Atomic incompleteness or how to kill one bird with two stones. Bulletin of Section Logic 30/2(2001). 71–78. (With Tomasz Kowalski)

Formal Syntax and Semantics of Case Stacking Languages. Proceedings Coling 2000. 2002. 250–256. (With Christian Ebert)

Referent Systems and Relational Grammar. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11(2002). 251–286.

Invariant Logics. Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48(2002). 29–50.

On the Semantics of Locatives. Linguistics and Philosophy 25(2002).

The Combinatorics of Cases. Research on Language and Computation
1(2003). 59–97.

Constraints on Derivations. Grammars 6(2003). 89–113.

Partial Algebras, Meaning Categories, and Algebraization. Theoretical Computer Science 354/1(2006). 131–141.

Semisimple Varieties of Boolean Algebras with Operators. Studia Logica 83(2006). 351–363. (With Tomasz Kowalski)

The Emergence of Syntactic Structure. Linguistics & Philosophy 30(2007). 47–95.

Compositionality: The Very Idea. Research on Language and Computation 5(2007). 287–308.

Is Adjunction Compositional?. Research on Language and Computation 6(2008). 53–77.

Judgment and Consequence Relations. Journal of Applied Nonclassical Logic 20(2010). 223 - 235.

Technical Modal Logic. Philosophy Compass 6/5(2011). 350 - 359.

Gnosis. Journal of Philosophical Logic 40(2011). 397 - 420.

Gnosticism or: How Logic fits my Mind. Logical Investigations 18(2012). 273 - 291.

Against the single domain constraint. Theoretical Linguistics 38(2012). 211-221. (With Udo Klein.)

Epochenwende. Über die Zukunft der Universität. Forschung und Lehre. 2014. 24-25.

Are Logical Languages Compositional?, Studia Logica 101(2013). 1315-1336.

The Grammar of Codeswitching. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 2014. 313 – 329. (With Udo Klein.)


On Reducing Principles to Rules. In Patrick Blackburn and Maarten de Rijke (eds.): Specifying Syntactic Structure. CSLI Lecture Notes, Stanford. 1998. 45–73.

Strict Compositionality and Literal Movement Grammars. In Michael Moortgat(ed.): Proceedings Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics ’98(LACL ’98). Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2014. 2000. 126–142.

The structure of locative cases and its relevance for the study of Uralic languages. Proceedings of the Congressus IX. Fenno–Ugristarum in Tartu 2000. Vol II. 2001. 160–165.

Features in Phonological Theory. In Benedikt Löwe, Wolfgang Malzkorn and Thoralf Räsch (eds.): Foundations of the Formal Sciences II, Applications of Mathematical Logic in Philosophy and Linguistics, Papers of a Conference held in Bonn, November 11–13, 2000. Trends in Logic No. 17,Kluwer, Dordrecht. 2003. 123–149.

Against the Feature Bundle Theory of Case. Ellen Brandner and Heike
Zinsmeister (eds.): New Perspectives on Case, CSLI. 2003. 165–190.

Notes on the Space Requirement for Checking Satisfiability in Modal Logics. In Philippe Balbiani, Nobo-Yuki Suzuki, Frank Wolter and Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.): Advances in Modal Logic 4. King’s College Publications. 2003. 243–264.

Notes on Substitution in First-Order Logic. In Vincent Hendricks, Fabian Neuhaus, Stig-Andur Pedersen, Uwe Scheffler, Heinrich Wansing (eds.): First-Order Logic Revisited. Logos Verlag, Berlin. 2004. 155–172.

The Semantics of Locatives in the Uralic Languages. In Jocelyne Fernandez-Vest (ed.): Les langues ouraliennes aujourd’hui. Approche linguistique et cognitive. Bibliotheque de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Historiques et Philologiques, Vol. 340. Librarie Honoré Champion. Paris. 2005. 145–158.

On Pregroups, Freedom and (Virtual) Conceptual Necessity. In Aviad Eilam,Tatjana Scheffler and Joshua Tauberer (eds.): Proceedings of the 29th Annual Penn Linguistics Conference. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 12.1. 2006. 189–198. (With Greg Kobele)

Direction and Obviation in Plains Cree: A Referent Systems Approach. In Ingo Reich et al. (eds.): Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 15. Saarbrücken. 2011. (With Udo Klein.)

Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics in Communication. In Proceedings of I-Semantics. Graz. 2011. 195 -202. (With Christoph Brandt).


„`The Semantics of Syntax. A Minimalist Approach to Grammar.' by Denis Bouchard. A Review.” Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6(1997). 344-350.

„`Admissibility of Inference Rules.' by V. V. Rybakov.” (Review.) Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40(1999). 578-587.

„Patrick Blackburn, Maarten de Rijke and Yde Venema: `Modal Logic'” (Review). Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8(2002). 299-301.

„Dov Gabbay: `Fibring Logics'.” (Review). Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10(2004). 209-211.

„Shay & Seibert: Motion, Direction and Location in Languages.” (Review). LinguistList 15.1455. 2004.

Fritz Hamm and Michiel van Lambalgen: „`The Proper Treatment of Events' (Review)”. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10(2006). 139-141.


XIII ESSLLI Summer School 2001, Helsinki, Program Chair.

3rd NASSLLI Summer School 2004, Los Angeles. Local Organiser.

7. Meeting of Mathematics of Language, UCLA, 2007. Local Organiser, 2007.

11 Meeting of Mathematics of Language, Bielefeld. Local Organiser. 2011.

Nyilvános megjelenések

2005. „Counterpart Theory”, Workshop The Limits of Set Theory In The Formalization of Basic Mathematical Notions, Paris.

2005. „Argument Structure as an Interface between Syntax and Semantics”, Workshop Computational Modelling of Lexical Acquisition” (CPALA), Split.

2005. „The Emergence of Syntactic Structure”, ESSLLI workshop, Edinburgh.

2005. „On Sequence of Location and Direction”, , ESSLLI workshop, Edinburgh.

2006. Locationals”, beim V. Budapesti Urali Mühely.

2006. „The Fine Structure of Local Expressions”, Workshop Syntax and Semantics of Spatial P”, Utrecht.

2006. „Gnosis”, 9. Symposium on Logic and Language (LoLa9), Besenyötelek, Hungary.

2006. „Interpreted Languages and Compositionality”, 1 week course, Jadertina Summer School in Empirical and Computational Linguistics”, Zadar.

2006. „Argument Structure and Referent Systems”, (Softwaredemonstration), Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia, Szeged.

2007. „The Certain Past and Possible Future of Modal Logic”, Workshop Mathematical Methods in Philosophy, Banff, Canada.

2007. „Compositionality and Syntactic Structure”. MIT Colloquium.

2007. „Features”, Syntax/Semantics Reading Group, MIT.

2008. „Extensions of K4”, The Very Informal Gathering, UCLA.

2008. „The Inner Dialog: Pragmatics for One Person”, Workshop „Judgement, Assertion, Proposition”, TU Berlin.

2008. „Remarks on the Lative”, Workshop „Local Case”, Nijmegen.

2008. 1-week course: Referent Systems, ESSLLI, Bordeaux.

2009. „Gnosis”, Pragmatics, Szklarska Poreba.

2010. „Interpreted Languages and Compositionality”. 1 week course, Dutch doctoral school.

2010. „Judgement”. Universal Logic, Lisbon.

2011. „Gnosticism or: How Logic Fits My Mind”, Smirnov Symposium, Moscow.

2012. „Are Logical Languages Compositional?”, Trends in Logic XI, Bochum.

2013. „Kommunikations- und Wissenstechnologien und ihre Folgen für die Wissenschaft”, Forum Offene Wissenschaft, Bielefeld.

2013. „(De)Constructing the Frame”, Causation and agency in our indeterministic world, Utrecht.

2014. „Understanding the meaning of what is said”, German-Turkish Workshop on Cognitive Sciene, Ankara.

2014. „Aspects of Space”. Symposion on Spatial Cognition. Riga.

Marcus Andreas Kracht

Title: Prof. Dr.
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1964
Place of Birth (Country): Germany
Email-address(es): marcus.kracht@uni-bielefeld.de
Office Phone Number:

Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 1991
Discipline: Mathematics
Title of Thesis: Internal Definability and Completeness in Modal Logic
Issuing Institution: Freie Universität, Berlin

MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 1988
Discipline(s): Cognitive Science
Issuing Institution: University of Edinburgh

Year of Obtaining the Degree: 1987
Discipline(s): Mathematics/Physics
Issuing Institution: Freie Universität, Berlin

Further Studies and Qualifications

Institution Qualification Year of Obtaining the Qualification
Freie Universität Berlin Habilitation in Mathematics 1997
University of Potsdam Habilitation in General Linguistics 1999

Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Current Position(s):

Current Employer: Bielefeld Universität
Current Position(s): professor

Previous Employer:
Previous Position Held:

Other Previous Employers:
Other Previous Positions Held:

Areas of Research and Teaching

Partial Logic, Universal Algebra, Mathematics for Biologists, Modal Logic, Formal Language Theory, Logic and Set Theory, Logic for Computer Scientists, Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists, Algebra, Logic and Complexity, Mathematics for Engineers
Introduction to Semantics, Introduction to Pragmatics, Compositionality, Dynamic Semantics, Formal Methods in Linguistics, Theories of Movement, Syntactic Theories, Mathematical Linguistics, Introduction to Linguistics, Statistics for Linguists, Semantics
Computational Linguistics, Computational Semantics, Markup Languages, Information Structuring

Membership in Research Groups and Projects

Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities

Period Function or Activity

Language Skills

Language Level and Kind of Proficiency
German mother tongue
English advanced
French advanced
Dutch advanced
Hungarian advanced

Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes

Name of Distinction Issuing Institution Year of Issuing

Membership in Academic Societies

Name of Organization Function (if any)
Association for Symbolic Logic  
Foundation of Logic, Language and Information  
Mathematics of Language  
Association for Computational Linguistics  
Deutsch Vereinigung für mathematische Logik und Grundlage der Mathematik  

Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign

Period Institution Activities
2001 Brandenburgische Technische
Universität Cottbus
Visiting professor
2002 University of California,
Los Angeles
Assistant professor
2003 July Zentrum für allgemeine
Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin
2003 December National Information and
Communication Technologies
of Australia
2005 September Zentrum für allgemeine
Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin
2006 September to December Academy of Sciences, Section
Language Technology, Hungary

Promotorship in Doctoral Studies

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
(if applicable)
Jens Michaelis,
University of Potsdam
On Formal Properties of Minimalist Grammars 2001

Opponentship in Doctoral Defences

Name of
Doctoral Student,
Title of Dissertation Year of Defence
Gregory Kobele,
Generating Copies: An investigation into
structural identity in language and grammar
Benjamin Keil,
Generating Descriptions of Motions from
Cognitive Representations
Christian Wurm,
U Bielefeld
The Metatheory of Linguistics 2014


List of Publications


(as Editor) Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI. Stanford. 1998. Coeditors: Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing, Michael Zakharyaschev.

Tools and Techniques in Modal Logic, Studies in Logics Nr. 142. Elsevier. 1999. (559 + xiv Pages)

The Mathematics of Language. Mouton de Gruyter. 2003. (589 + xvi Pages)

Interpreted Languages and Compositionality. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 89. Springer. 2011. (212 + x Pages)

Chapters in Books

How Completeness and Correspondence Theory Got Married. In Maarten de Rijke (ed.): Diamonds and Defaults. Synthese Library vol. 229. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993. 175–214.

Power and Weakness of the Modal Display Calculus. In Heinrich Wansing(ed.): Proof Theory of Modal Logic. Studies in Applied Logic Vol. 2. Kluwer, Dordrecht. 1996. 95–122.

Inessential Features. In Christian Retor ´e (ed.): Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence No. 1328. 1997. 43–62.

Semilinearity as a syntactic invariant. In Christian Retor ´e (ed.): Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence No. 1328. 1997. 329–345. (With Jens Michaelis).

Adjunction Structures and Syntactic Domains. In Hans–Peter Kolb and Uwe Mönnich (eds.): The Mathematics of Syntactic Structure. Trees and their Logics. Studies in Generative Grammar Nr. 44. Mouton–de Gruyter. Berlin, 1998. 259–299.

Logic and Syntax—A Personal Perspective. In Maarten de Rijke, Krister Segerberg, Heinrich Wansing and Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.): Advances in Modal Logic ’98. 1999. CSLI.

Dynamic Semantics. In Fritz Hamm and Thomas Ede Zimmermann (eds.): Semantics. Linguistische Berichte Sonderheft 10. Helmut Buske Verlag.
2002. 217–241.

36. The Semantics of Modal Predicate Logic. Part I: Completeness. In Frank Wolter, Maarten de Rijke and Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.): Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 3. CSLI, Stanford, 2001. (With Oliver Kutz)

Against the Feature Bundle Theory of Case. Ellen Brandner and Heike Zinsmeister (eds.): New Perspectives on Case, CSLI. 2003. 165–190.

Notes on the Space Requirement for Checking Satisfiability in Modal Logics. In Philippe Balbiani, Nobo-Yuki Suzuki, Frank Wolter and Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.): Advances in Modal Logic 4. King’s College Publications. 2003. 243–264.

Notes on Substitution in First-Order Logic. In Vincent Hendricks, Fabian Neuhaus, Stig-Andur Pedersen, Uwe Scheffler, Heinrich Wansing (eds.): First-Order Logic Revisited. Logos Verlag, Berlin. 2004. 155–172.

Elementary Models for Modal Predicate Logic. Part 2: Modal Individuals Revisited. In Reinhard Kahle (ed.): Intensional Logic. ASL Lecture Notes in Logic, A. K. Peters. 2005. 60–96. (With Oliver Kutz)

Directionality Selection. In Patrick Saint–Dizier (ed.): Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions. Springer. 2005. 101–114.

Modal Consequence Relations. In Johan van Benthem, Patrick Blackburn and Frank Wolter (eds.): Handbook of Modal Logic. Elsevier. 495–549.

Logically Possible Worlds and Counterpart Theory. In Dale Jacquette (ed.): Handbook of the Philosophy of Logic. Elsevier. 2007. 963–1018. (With Oliver Kutz)

The Fine Structure of Local Expressions. In Anna Asbury, Jakub Dotlacil,Berit Gehrke and Rick Nouwen: Syntax and Semantics of Spatial P. Amsterdam: John Benjamin’s. 2008. 35–62.

The Logic of Action. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2008. (With Jean-Jules Meyer and Krister Segerberg)

On the Logic of LGB-Type Structures. Part I: Multidominance Structures. In Friedrich Hamm and Stephan Kepser (eds.): Logics for Linguistic Structures. Mouton-de Gruyter. 2008. 105 - 142.

The Inner Dialog: Pragmatics for One Person. In Klaus Robering and Sebastian Bab (eds.): Judgements and Propositions, Logische Philosophie Vol. 21, Logos Verlag. 2010. 39 - 59.

Brentano’s Apple. In Thomas Hanneforth and Gisbert Fanselow (eds.): Language and Logos. Studies in Theoretical and Computational Linguistics. Studia Grammatica Nr. 72. Akademie Verlag. 2010. 202 - 213.

Modal Logic Foundations of Markup-Structures in Annotation Systems. In Alexander Mehler, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Henning Lobin, Harald Lüngen,Angelika Storrer and Andreas Witt (Eds.): Modeling, Learning and Processing of Text Technological Data Structures. Studies in Computational Intelligence 370. Springer. Berlin. 2011. 111 - 127.

Compositionality in Montague Grammar. In Wolfram Hintzen, Edouard Machery and Markus Werning (Eds.): Handbook of Compositionality. Oxford.2012. 47 - 63.

Die Entmaterialisierung des Wissens. Gedanken über ein Zivilisationsprojekt. Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik XLVI, 1(2014), 123 – 132.

Notes on Disagreement. In: Daniel Gutzman, Jan Köpping, and Cécile
Meier: Evaluations - Denotations - Entities. Studies in Context, Contents and the Foundation of Semantics. Brill, Leiden, 2014. 276 – 305. (With Udo Klein.)

Using Each Other’s Words. In Arnold Koslow and Arthur Buchsbaum (Eds.): The Road to Universal Logic. Birkhäuser. 2015. 241-249.

Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)

On the Logic of Category Definitions. Computational Linguistics 15(1989).111–113.

An Almost General Splitting Theorem For Modal Logic. Studia Logica
49(1990). 455–470.

A Solution to a Problem of Urquhart. Journal of Philosophical Logic 20(1991). 285–286.

Properties of Independently Axiomatizable Bimodal Logics. The Journal of Symbolic Logic 56(1991). 1469 - 1485. (With Frank Wolter)

Even more about the lattice of tense logics. Archive of Mathematical Logic 31(1992). 243–257.

Splittings and the finite model property. The Journal of Symbolic Logic 58(1993). 139–157.

Prefinitely axiomatizable modal and intermediate logics. Mathematical Logic Quarterly (formerly ZML) 39(1993). 301–322.

Gumm’s Theorem and the Structure of Minimal Algebras. Algebra Universalis 33(1995). 142–146.

Highway to the Danger Zone. Journal of Logic and Computation 5(1995). 93–109.

Is there a genuine modal perspective on feature structures?. Linguistics and Philosophy 18(1995). 401–458.

Syntactic Codes and Grammar Refinement. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4(1995). 41–60.

On Extensions of Intermediate Logics by Strong Negation. Journal of Philosophical Logic 27(1998). 49–73.

Simulation and Transfer Results in Modal Logic—A Survey. Studia Logica 59(1997). 149–177. (With Frank Wolter)

Normal monomodal logics can simulate all others. The Journal for Symbolic Logic 64(1999). 99–138. (With Frank Wolter).

Lattices of Modal Logics and Their Groups of Automorphisms. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 100 (1999). 99–139.

Modal Logics That Need Very Large Frames. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40(1999). 141–173.

Reducing Modal Consequence Relations. Journal of Logic and Computation 11(2001). 879–907.

Syntax in Chains. Linguistics and Philosophy 24(2001). 467–529.

Atomic incompleteness or how to kill one bird with two stones. Bulletin of Section Logic 30/2(2001). 71–78. (With Tomasz Kowalski)

Formal Syntax and Semantics of Case Stacking Languages. Proceedings Coling 2000. 2002. 250–256. (With Christian Ebert)

Referent Systems and Relational Grammar. Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11(2002). 251–286.

Invariant Logics. Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48(2002). 29–50.

On the Semantics of Locatives. Linguistics and Philosophy 25(2002).

The Combinatorics of Cases. Research on Language and Computation
1(2003). 59–97.

Constraints on Derivations. Grammars 6(2003). 89–113.

Partial Algebras, Meaning Categories, and Algebraization. Theoretical Computer Science 354/1(2006). 131–141.

Semisimple Varieties of Boolean Algebras with Operators. Studia Logica 83(2006). 351–363. (With Tomasz Kowalski)

The Emergence of Syntactic Structure. Linguistics & Philosophy 30(2007). 47–95.

Compositionality: The Very Idea. Research on Language and Computation 5(2007). 287–308.

Is Adjunction Compositional?. Research on Language and Computation 6(2008). 53–77.

Judgment and Consequence Relations. Journal of Applied Nonclassical Logic 20(2010). 223 - 235.

Technical Modal Logic. Philosophy Compass 6/5(2011). 350 - 359.

Gnosis. Journal of Philosophical Logic 40(2011). 397 - 420.

Gnosticism or: How Logic fits my Mind. Logical Investigations 18(2012). 273 - 291.

Against the single domain constraint. Theoretical Linguistics 38(2012). 211-221. (With Udo Klein.)

Epochenwende. Über die Zukunft der Universität. Forschung und Lehre. 2014. 24-25.

Are Logical Languages Compositional?, Studia Logica 101(2013). 1315-1336.

The Grammar of Codeswitching. Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 2014. 313 – 329. (With Udo Klein.)

Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)

On Reducing Principles to Rules. In Patrick Blackburn and Maarten de Rijke (eds.): Specifying Syntactic Structure. CSLI Lecture Notes, Stanford. 1998. 45–73.

Strict Compositionality and Literal Movement Grammars. In Michael Moortgat(ed.): Proceedings Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics ’98(LACL ’98). Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2014. 2000. 126–142.

The structure of locative cases and its relevance for the study of Uralic languages. Proceedings of the Congressus IX. Fenno–Ugristarum in Tartu 2000. Vol II. 2001. 160–165.

Features in Phonological Theory. In Benedikt Löwe, Wolfgang Malzkorn and Thoralf Räsch (eds.): Foundations of the Formal Sciences II, Applications of Mathematical Logic in Philosophy and Linguistics, Papers of a Conference held in Bonn, November 11–13, 2000. Trends in Logic No. 17,Kluwer, Dordrecht. 2003. 123–149.

Against the Feature Bundle Theory of Case. Ellen Brandner and Heike
Zinsmeister (eds.): New Perspectives on Case, CSLI. 2003. 165–190.

Notes on the Space Requirement for Checking Satisfiability in Modal Logics. In Philippe Balbiani, Nobo-Yuki Suzuki, Frank Wolter and Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.): Advances in Modal Logic 4. King’s College Publications. 2003. 243–264.

Notes on Substitution in First-Order Logic. In Vincent Hendricks, Fabian Neuhaus, Stig-Andur Pedersen, Uwe Scheffler, Heinrich Wansing (eds.): First-Order Logic Revisited. Logos Verlag, Berlin. 2004. 155–172.

The Semantics of Locatives in the Uralic Languages. In Jocelyne Fernandez-Vest (ed.): Les langues ouraliennes aujourd’hui. Approche linguistique et cognitive. Bibliotheque de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Historiques et Philologiques, Vol. 340. Librarie Honoré Champion. Paris. 2005. 145–158.

On Pregroups, Freedom and (Virtual) Conceptual Necessity. In Aviad Eilam,Tatjana Scheffler and Joshua Tauberer (eds.): Proceedings of the 29th Annual Penn Linguistics Conference. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 12.1. 2006. 189–198. (With Greg Kobele)

Direction and Obviation in Plains Cree: A Referent Systems Approach. In Ingo Reich et al. (eds.): Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 15. Saarbrücken. 2011. (With Udo Klein.)

Syntax, Semantics and Pragmatics in Communication. In Proceedings of I-Semantics. Graz. 2011. 195 -202. (With Christoph Brandt).

Book Reviews

„`The Semantics of Syntax. A Minimalist Approach to Grammar.' by Denis Bouchard. A Review.” Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6(1997). 344-350.

„`Admissibility of Inference Rules.' by V. V. Rybakov.” (Review.) Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40(1999). 578-587.

„Patrick Blackburn, Maarten de Rijke and Yde Venema: `Modal Logic'” (Review). Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8(2002). 299-301.

„Dov Gabbay: `Fibring Logics'.” (Review). Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10(2004). 209-211.

„Shay & Seibert: Motion, Direction and Location in Languages.” (Review). LinguistList 15.1455. 2004.

Fritz Hamm and Michiel van Lambalgen: „`The Proper Treatment of Events' (Review)”. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10(2006). 139-141.

Organisation of Conferences

XIII ESSLLI Summer School 2001, Helsinki, Program Chair.

3rd NASSLLI Summer School 2004, Los Angeles. Local Organiser.

7. Meeting of Mathematics of Language, UCLA, 2007. Local Organiser, 2007.

11 Meeting of Mathematics of Language, Bielefeld. Local Organiser. 2011.

Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)

2005. „Counterpart Theory”, Workshop The Limits of Set Theory In The Formalization of Basic Mathematical Notions, Paris.

2005. „Argument Structure as an Interface between Syntax and Semantics”, Workshop Computational Modelling of Lexical Acquisition” (CPALA), Split.

2005. „The Emergence of Syntactic Structure”, ESSLLI workshop, Edinburgh.

2005. „On Sequence of Location and Direction”, , ESSLLI workshop, Edinburgh.

2006. Locationals”, beim V. Budapesti Urali Mühely.

2006. „The Fine Structure of Local Expressions”, Workshop Syntax and Semantics of Spatial P”, Utrecht.

2006. „Gnosis”, 9. Symposium on Logic and Language (LoLa9), Besenyötelek, Hungary.

2006. „Interpreted Languages and Compositionality”, 1 week course, Jadertina Summer School in Empirical and Computational Linguistics”, Zadar.

2006. „Argument Structure and Referent Systems”, (Softwaredemonstration), Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencia, Szeged.

2007. „The Certain Past and Possible Future of Modal Logic”, Workshop Mathematical Methods in Philosophy, Banff, Canada.

2007. „Compositionality and Syntactic Structure”. MIT Colloquium.

2007. „Features”, Syntax/Semantics Reading Group, MIT.

2008. „Extensions of K4”, The Very Informal Gathering, UCLA.

2008. „The Inner Dialog: Pragmatics for One Person”, Workshop „Judgement, Assertion, Proposition”, TU Berlin.

2008. „Remarks on the Lative”, Workshop „Local Case”, Nijmegen.

2008. 1-week course: Referent Systems, ESSLLI, Bordeaux.

2009. „Gnosis”, Pragmatics, Szklarska Poreba.

2010. „Interpreted Languages and Compositionality”. 1 week course, Dutch doctoral school.

2010. „Judgement”. Universal Logic, Lisbon.

2011. „Gnosticism or: How Logic Fits My Mind”, Smirnov Symposium, Moscow.

2012. „Are Logical Languages Compositional?”, Trends in Logic XI, Bochum.

2013. „Kommunikations- und Wissenstechnologien und ihre Folgen für die Wissenschaft”, Forum Offene Wissenschaft, Bielefeld.

2013. „(De)Constructing the Frame”, Causation and agency in our indeterministic world, Utrecht.

2014. „Understanding the meaning of what is said”, German-Turkish Workshop on Cognitive Sciene, Ankara.

2014. „Aspects of Space”. Symposion on Spatial Cognition. Riga.

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