The School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES, University College London) and Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary cordially invite you to the
and Péter, László (1929-2008)
C. A. MACARTNEY was a distinguished and impartial scholar of Central European history, both as a British historian and as university professor. In 1940 he became the foremost expert on Hungarian and minority policy in the Foreign Office, as well as editor of the BBC's Hungarian broadcasts. After the conference, a plaque will be unveiled near the former British Legation (1014 Budapest, Táncsics M. u.1.). Macartney is the first British historian to receive such honour in the history of Hungary.
One of Macartney's students, Péter, László, worked as an archivist and teacher after graduating in Budapest. In 1956, as member of a revolutionary committee in charge of supervising the archives of the Ministry of the Interior, he spent days looking through secret documents of the AVH. He then fled Hungary. In 1961 he was appointed to a lectureship at the SSEES and in 1990 to the full chair of Hungarian history.
5th April 2024
Venue: Károlyi-Csekonics Palota KCSP, Ball Room, 1088 Budapest, Múzeum u. 17.
8:45-9:00: Opening
9:00-10:20: SESSION 1: Macartney: Eminent Scholar, a Critic and a Friend?
Chair: Glant Tibor (DE- University of Debrecen)
9:00-9:20: Beretzky Ágnes, KRE: Macartney, the Approvingly Disapproving Ally of Hungarians
9:20-9:40: Thomas Lorman, UCL SSEES: The Legacies of C. A. Macartney and R.W. Seton-Watson Contrasted
9:40-10:00: Lojkó Miklós, ELTE- Eötvös Loránd University: Macartney’s Magyars in the Ninth Century
10:00-10:20: Discussion
10:20-10:50: KCSP Cigar Room: Tea, Coffee, Fruits & Music
10:50-11.00: Ball Room: Lojkó Miklós on the Macartney Papers
11:00-12:20: SESSION 2: Macartney on the Nation-state, Borders and Minorities
Chair: Egry Gábor (Institute of Political History)
11:00-11:20: Zeidler Miklós ELTE: Fairness or Sympathy? British Spokesman for Hungarian Revisionism Between the World Wars
11.20-11.40: Guido Franzinetti, University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli, Italy: Carlile Aylmer Macartney and his National States and National Minorities (1934)
11.40-12:00: Georgios Giannakopoulos, City, University of London: Rethinking the Minority Question: C. A. Macartney and the Un-National state
12:00-12:20 Discussion
12:20-12:30 short break
12:30-13:25: SESSION 3: Macartney in/on World War II and Beyond
Chair: Hörcher Ferenc (NKE-University of Public Service)
12:30-12:50: Joó András, Committee of National Remembrance/Veritas Research Institute and Archives: “The Cup Overflows”: The Situation of Hungary on the Eve of the German Occupation and C. A. Macartney’s View on PM Kállay’s Policy
12:50-13:10: Barta Róbert, DE: C. A. Macartney’s View on the History of Hungarian Jewry
13.10-13:25: Discussion
13:25-14:20 Warm Buffet Lunch in KCSP
14:20-: SESSION 4: Péter László
Chair: Kurucz György (KRE)
14.20-14:40: Jeszenszky Géza, Retired Professor, Corvinus University : A Hungarian-Born British Scholar: an Adversary of the Communist Regime but a Patriot
14:40-15:00: Bátonyi Gábor, University of Bradford: Historians and the Cultural Cold War: The Case of Péter László
15.00-15:15: Discussion
15:15: Closing Remarks
16:15 Bus leaves from conference site (corner of Múzeum krt and Bródy Sándor utca) to castle district
17:00 CASTLE DISTRICT (Iskola lépcső): unveiling of the plaque of C.A Macartney
18:00-20:00: Reception (upon further notice)
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