Készült: 2020-06-23
Módosítás: 2025-01-22

Institute Outstanding Thesis Award (IOTA)

Institute Outstanding Thesis Award (IOTA) – An iota closer to your goals


Every semester the Institute of English Studies at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church awards a maximum of six Institute Outstanding Thesis Awards (IOTAs). Two awards can be assigned in each of the three major fields covered by the institute: literature, history/culture, and linguistics/translation.


Nominations for the award should be submitted jointly by the advisor and the reader of the thesis not later than 1 January or 1 June. To be eligible for the consideration of the award, a student will have received at least 33 points out of the maximum of 35 points in their Thesis Evaluation Report.


An Award Committee—consisting of the Head of the Institute of English Studies, the Heads of the Department of Literary and Cultural Studies in English and the Department of English Linguistics, and two other members of the institute—evaluates the submitted theses for academic excellence and recommends the thesis awards. The Committee’s decision needs to be affirmed by the Board of Examiners after the oral defence of the thesis at the student’s Final Exam.


Past Awardees


Awardee in January 2025


Szabolcs Martin Csorba (MA): Metaphorical extensions of cardinal posture verbs  in English and Hungarian political discourse


Awardees in June 2024 


Gergely Miklós (BA): The Scandal of the Century: The Construction of the Panama Canal and Its Political and Economic Consequence
Péter Vereckei (BA): The Modern Prometheus: How Mary Shelley Modernized the Prometheus Myth in Frankenstein
Fanni Kovács (Teacher Training Programme): Propaganda and the University: Western Sponsors of National Causes in East-Central Europe
Nóra Kele (MA): William Faulkner and the Postmodern Sublime
Bíborka Radványi (MA): The King of Terrors in Old English Literature

Honourable Mentions 

Nóra Kerecsényi (BA): Sarah Gavron’s Suffragette (2015) and the Representation of Contemporary Issues
Lilla Rozália Nemes (BA): Celtic Culture on Screen: Brave (2012) and The Secret of Kells (2009)
Tamara Sándor (BA): The Bluest Eye: Beauty, Race, and Trauma
Patrik Szép (BA): From Colonial Kitchens to Fusion Flavors: How Immigration Shaped the American Culinary Landsca
Bernadett Bellók (Teacher Training Programme): Individual Learner Differences in Second Language Acquisition: The Relationship of Error Correction and Motivation
Blanka Alexandra Csigó (Teacher Training Programme):  The Benefits and Difficulties of Gamification as an Assessment Tool in Foreign Language Education
Anna Klimó (Teacher Training Programme): Exploring the Impacts of Movement Integration into ESL Learning from Teachers' Perspectives
Dóra Mezei (Teacher Training Programme): Motivational Differences Between Learning English and German in Hungarian Secondary Grammar Schools
Boglárka Zita Németh (Teacher Training Programme): Learner Autonomy in the Context of Gamification: Teacher and Learner Perceptions in a Hungarian High School

Awardees in January 2024 


Zsófia Hirt (BA): Death in the Poetry of Two Nineteenth-Century Female Poets: Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti


Awardees in June 2023 


Balázs Harazin (BA): Evaluating the quality of a machine-translated historical text from English to Hungarian 
Fanni Pap (BA): Romeo and Juliet on Screen: An Examination of Three Film Adaptations 
Tamás Rigó (BA): Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty 
Laura Tajti (Teacher Training Programme): Confirming Self-Perception Beliefs on Group Work Using Oral Performance Data as Linguistic Evidence 

Honourable Mentions 

Edina Bagó-Sinka (BA): Translational strategies applied in the translation of slang expressions in the Hungarian dubbed version of the movie entitled Furious 7  
Szilvia Dancs (BA): You Rang, M’Lord? As a Media Phenomenon 
Gyöngyvér Fazekas (BA): Hurtful Communication In Hamlet   
Adrienn Henger (BA): The Significance of Colours in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby 
Márton Karsai (BA): George Orwell’s 1984: The Archetype of the Authoritarian Regime –   
Dominic Nuszer (Teacher Training Programme): Horrible Histories: The Historical Comedy that Educates 
Anett Osztotics (Teacher Training Programme): The Situation of Secondary Grammar School Teachers during the First Phase of the Forced-Online Education Period 
Georgina Palincsák (Teacher Training Programme): The Individual and Post-War Depression in John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger and Shelagh Delaney’s A Taste of Honey 
Orsolya Pintér (BA): “Dictionary Use Among English Majors at Tertiary Level Education in Hungary” 
Renáta Tóth (BA): Domestic Religion in Gentry and Lower-Class Families in 17th Century England   
Marcell Veress (BA): The Importance of Focalization and Different Narration Types in Agatha Christie’s Novels  

Awardees in January 2023 


Adél Sinkovicz (BA): Tools and Techniques in Reasoning 
Gergő Szórády (BA): War Crimes of the U.S. Armed Forces and their High Command in World War II 


Awardees in June 2022
Alexandra Barta (MA): The Henslowe Diary: Can Philip Henslowe's Diary Contribute to a Better Understanding of Marlowe's Doctor Faustus?
Mirtill Ring (MA): The Social and Cognitive Aspects of Learning with Duolingo  
Nóra Kele  (BA): Innocence and Sexuality in Quentin Compson’s Narrative
Réka Kőszegi (BA): Transfer Operations Adopted in the Translation of Commercials from English to Hungarian  
Gergely Mátrai (BA): Transcreation Procedures in Hungarian Promotional Texts
Míra Perger (BA): The Irish Border Issue of Brexit

Honourable Mentions
Enikő Kovács (MA): A Postmodern Fairy Tale Multiverse: Perspectives on Identity, Gender and Feminism in the Series Entitled Once Upon a Time
Barbara Rostoványi (MA): Hungarian University EFL Learners' Foreign Language Learning Anxiety in an Online Learning Environment  
Balázs Kocsány (BA): Segregation in Northern Ireland before and after the Good Friday Agreement
Michail Feidias: (EMLex joint programme) Towards a Typology of Online Dictionary Practices for Endangered Languages
Awardees in January 2022
Katalin Berec (Teacher Training Programme) ’An Analysis of Coursebook-based and Teacher-designed Progress Tests’
Gábor Boldizsár (BA) ’Inverted Totalitarianism: the Totality of Corporate Reign in the United States of America’
In 2021 the Organizing Committee awarded four IOTAs in January, and five IOTAs in June.
Awardees in June 2021
Lejla Borsiczki (BA) ‘A Study on the Translation of Realia in European Union Texts’
Katalin Frey (BA) ’“Purest at first, now gross by sinning grown” The Gradual Deterioration of Satan’s Figure in Paradise Lost’
Gergely Molnár (TNA) ‘The Authenticity of John Smith’s True Travels’
Beatrix Nagy (MA) ‘Neo-Victorian Perspectives: Femininity and Madness in Misery and Gone Girl’
Anna Siklósi (BA) ‘Subtext in Animation Movies: The Portrayal of Political, Historical and Psychological Themes in Stop-Motion Films’
Awardees in January 2021
Elina Amfer (BA) 'Audio Description of Gestures and Facial Expressions in Unbelievable'
Mariann Heniger (BA) 'Shakespearean Insults in the Light of Renaissance Physiognomy'
Fruzsina Kertész (Teacher Training Programme) 'Child Maltreatment in Edward St Aubyn’s Patrick Melrose Novels'
Vivien Votisky (BA) 'The United States Patriot Act and the Limits of Civil Liberties'
Due to the great number of excellent theses, from June 2021 on the Organizing Committee marks the exceptional achievement of the other candidates with a new form of award, the 'IOTA Honourable Mention'. The awardees in 2021 were: 
Gréta Antónia Fehértói (BA) ‘The Essence of Heroism in Beowulf’
Gabriella Kardos (BA) ‘Teaching Style and Learner Attitude in Foreign Language Learning’
Dóra Komjátiová (BA) ‘Rhyme or Reason? A Comparative Look at Rhyme in English and Hungarian Literature from a Translator's Point of View’
Orsolya Éva Marót (MA) ‘Subalternity Within and Beyond Black Communities: The Repression of Women in Kathryn Stockett’s The Help’
Sára Mitelle (BA) ‘The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election: The Role of Religion’
Bíborka Radványi (BA) ‘The Importance of Fictive Reality in Interpretation’
Seo Chanmi (BA) ‘The Importance of the Two Generations in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights’
Eszter Szakács  (BA) ‘Dyslexia in English Language Teaching and Learning’
Dávid Utassy  (BA) 'The Syntax of English News Headlines'
Mária Varga  (BA) ‘The Public, Public Pressure, and a Ruler’s Responsibilities in Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra’


Réka Hajner (BA) Hungarian Learners’ Perception of Intrusive-R in English
Enikő Kovács (BA) The Posthuman and Human Nature: Philosophical and Postcolonial Perspectives in the Series Entitled Humans
Petra Szabó (BA) Breathing New Life: Translating Shakespeare in Dead Poets Society



Sarah Boss (MA) A Very Fruitful Brain’: The Typological Worldview of Jonathan Edwards
Dávid Halmi (BA) The Relationship of Ethics and Aesthetics in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita
Édua Kovács (BA) Richard III and its Film Adaptations
Gyula Rákóczi (BA) The Vindolanda Tablets
Eszter Somogyi (BA) Gun Laws in America
Dorottya Tihanyi (BA) Dehumanization in Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange




January 2025



June 2024



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