Készült: 2021-04-19
Módosítás: 2022-01-19

Call for Papers

15th Biennial HUSSE Conference           

27-29 January 2022, Budapest, Hungary (online)

Conference programme »

Book of abstracts » 


Formed in 1993, the Hungarian Society for the Study of English (HUSSE) is the most significant scholarly society in Hungary devoted to the promotion and cultivation of English studies, in its versatile interdisciplinarity, ranging from literature through history to linguistics, from film studies through cultural studies to drama studies, and from British Studies through Irish, Canadian and Australian Studies to American Studies. The Society aims at disseminating the most recent developments in scholarship by providing a space for its members to present their research results at conferences and in publications, while it also forms a scholarly body of more than one hundred and eighty members, thus creating a supportive community both for its upcoming junior and established senior members to launch stimulating and invigorating dialogues in the best spirit of intellectual exchange which all parties can only profit from. HUSSE is a member association of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE).

The conference organisers:

HUSSE and the Institute of English Studies at Károli Gáspár University

invite participants to submit 250-word proposals

for panels, workshops and 20-minute presentations

in all fields of English Studies.

Special guest and plenary speaker:

Andreas H. Jucker

Professor, University of Zurich

President of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)

“The Pragmatics of Emotions in Fiction”



Plenary speakers:

József Andor

Honorary Professor, University of Pécs

Winner of the Országh Award in 2018

“Unwording the Word: Interpreting the Language of Samuel Beckett’s Prose”


Katalin Kállay

Associate Professor, Károli Gáspár University

“Cosmic Cosmetics: Coincidental Visions of the Void in Mid-nineteenth Century American and Hungarian Literature”


Ádám Nádasdy

Distinguished Professor, Translator, Essayist, Eötvös Loránd University

"English Auxiliary Verbs: Why these and why not others?"


Natália Pikli

Associate Professor, Eötvös Loránd University

“Early Modern Scholars and Their Hobby-Horses:

Contextualized Readings of Shakespeare and His Age”


Peter Sherwood

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Hungarian Language and Culture

Translator of Literary Fiction

London, United Kingdom

Winner of the Országh Award in 2016

"Holistic Translation Criticism: Towards a New Paradigm"


Language: English is the working language of the conference.

Panels: Panelists are responsible for organising their own panel/workshop.

Publication: edited volumes

Abstract submission deadline is EXTENDED until 20 September 2021.

Contact person: Levente Dobó, dobo.levente@kre.hu


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