Greetings from Kyungdong University Global (KDU Global), South Korea!
We are pleased to extend our invitation to FULLY FUNDED KDU Global Immersion Program 2024 (KGIP 2024) for your students!
The program will commence from July 15, 2024, at KDU Global Campus located in the most popular touristic areas of South Korea.
KGIP 2024 is intended to bring hundreds of international and Korean students together for an opportunity to build international networks, experience various cultures and values, and enhance language, interpersonal, and career-tailored professional skills through customized courses, exciting events, trips, and networking activities!
KGIP 2024 offers two sessions for international students (students can attend any one or both sessions of their choice):
Session I: Global Networking and Cultural Immersion
• Will last from July 15 to August 9, 2024 (4 weeks).
• Provides an exciting environment for international and Korean students to establish networks, build friendships, and exchange cultures.
• Exposes participants to engaging and fun activities and sessions on contemporary vogues of South Korea including Korean language, culture, and history, K-Beauty, K-Pop, K-Cuisine, and K-Sports.
• Offers tours and trips to the most popular industrial and cultural sites around Korea!
Session II: Global Student Mobility – Academic Semester
• Will last from August 26, 2024, to December 13, 2024 (16 weeks – Fall’24 Semester).
• Allows international students to enroll to credit-yielding academic courses at KDU Global.
• Offers competitive specializations in the fields of Business, Computer Science, Korean Studies, and Hospitality.
• Embodies exciting field trips throughout Korea.
• Offers community service opportunities and cultural events.
All qualified international students admitted to KGIP 2024 will be granted “KDU Global Scholarship” that fully covers the tuition fees, on-campus accommodation, breakfast (during Session I), and organizational costs for all field trips, activities, and events!
The following deadlines apply for application submissions:
• Early Bird Applications – by April 15, 2024
• Final Call – by May 24, 2024.
The students who pass the screening stage will receive a Conditional Acceptance Letter with a requirement to pay a one-time nominal admission fee before the issuance of final admission and scholarship certificates.
The admission fee is $180 (hundred and eighty dollars) for Early Bird applicants and $250 (two hundred and fifty dollars) for those who apply between April 16 and May 24, 2024.
How to Apply
Your students can apply online through the KGIP 2024 website:
All applicants must carefully read the program details, application guidelines, and prepare the required screening documents prior to submitting their online applications.
Kedves Hallgatók!
Szeretném felhívni a figyelmüket a lenti lehetőségre. Amennyiben az egyik vagy másik módozat érdekli Önöket, Egyetemünknek lehetősége van jelölni Önöket intézményi nominálás keretében. Kérem, hogy az ilyen irányú igényüket legkésőbb április 21 10:00-ig jelezzék a e-mail címen. Mivel a keret limitált, a beérkező jelentkezéseket érkezési sorrendben és 4,5 feletti kummulált átlag (=kummulált súlyozott tanulmányi átlag) esetén fogjuk felterjeszteni az intézményi nominálás keretében, összesen 5-5 főt a Session I.-re és II.-re.
Mindkét program állja a teljes program és kollégiumi szállásköltségüket, azonban a Koreába kijutást és az ottani étkezést és a szervezett programokon kívüli megélhetést saját maguknak kell megoldaniuk.
A Session II. csak a keleti nyelvek és kultúrák alapszakos, lehetőség szerint koreai specializációt csináló hallgatók számára elérhető.
Üdvözlettel: Nagy Judit
Greetings from Kyungdong University Global (KDU Global), South Korea!
I am pleased to inform you that we are hosting KDU Global Immersion Program (KGIP) – an exceptionally unique and fully funded event in South Korea – commencing from July 10, 2023, and that qualified students at your institution are invited to apply!
KGIP is intended to bring hundreds of international and Korean students together for an opportunity to build international networks, experience various cultures and values, and enhance language, interpersonal, and career-tailored professional skills through customized courses, exciting events, trips, and activities in the most popular touristic area of South Korea!
This year’s KGIP offers two sessions for international students:
Session I: Global Networking and Korea
Session II: Global Student Mobility - Academic Semester
Students can apply to any one session or both sessions.
All successful applicants will be granted “KDU Global Scholarship” that covers the full tuitions, on-campus dormitory fee as well as the organizational and transportation costs of field trips, tours, and activities for the entire period of the program.
The scholarship seats are limited, and the applications are accepted until May 21, 2023.
Please refer to the program website for more information:
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