National Identity and Modernity 1870-1945
(Latin America – Southern Europe – Central Eastern Europe)
- Call for Papers -
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary is organising an international conference entitled National Identity and Modernity 1870-1945 (Latin America – Southern Europe – Central Eastern Europe). The Conference will be held in Budapest (Hungary) between 5 and 7 April 2017.
The theme of the Conference encompasses certain countries of the fringe zones of history during the late modern period in the Latin American, Southern European and Central Eastern European regions including Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Spain, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia and Hungary. The period between 1870 and 1945 exhibited decisive and complex characteristics in the formation of national identities in the above regions with respect to the issues of nationalism, ethnic diversity, modernisation of the economy, regionalism, falling behind and catching up with other countries as well as tradition and innovation.
The organisers of this international Conference welcome papers in the fields of history, social sciences, literary and cultural studies that explore and present this complex topic and the contradictions it offers in a novel way and with a view to international perspectives. The foreseen three thematic sections will provide a meeting place for the three regions above. These meeting places and the fact that English will be the working language of the Conference will present ample opportunities for participants to get to know and compare the above countries in the given time period concerning the above-described topics as well as to explore in which ways national identity seems to have been formed along certain processes and at historical turning points.
Plenary speakers:
Széchényi, Ágnes literary historian (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Literary Studies)
Otero, Hernán historian, demographic researcher (CONICET-UNCPBA, Member of the National Academy of History, Argentina)
Dupcsik, Csaba sociologist (KRE, Hungary)
Moreno Luzón, Javier historian (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
Stancu, Eugen historian, political scientist, (University of Bucharest, Romania)
Featured speaker:
Bubnó, Tamás church musician, conductor (Liszt Ferenc Academy, Hungary – St. Atanáz Greek Catholic Theological Institute)
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary (KRE), Faculty of Humanities, Budapest (Hungary): Institute of History
Organising committee:
Semsey, Viktória, KRE, Institute of History
Dupcsik, Csaba, KRE, Institute of Social and Communication Sciences
Makkai, Béla, KRE, Institute of History
José Antonio Sánchez Roman, Complutense University, Faculty of Journalism, Department of History
Further information concerning participation at the Conference:
- length of papers: max. 20 minutes;
- conference language: English;
- 1-page-long abstract of the proposed papers (max. 350 words in length accompanied by a short /max. 150-word-long/ CV)
We plan to publish plenary talks and papers in a conference proceedings volume.
To express your intention to present at the Conference, please, send your CV and abstract to the following e-mail address not later than 31 October 2016:
Based on the abstract submitted, you will be notified about the acceptance of your paper by 15 November 2016.
Payment of registration fee: between 16 November and 31 December 2016.
Registration fee: EUR 70 (excluding bank charges), or HUF 15,000 for Hungarian participants.
Payment of the total amount in EUR via bank transfer should be made to:
Beneficiary: Károli Gáspar University, H-1091 Budapest Kálvin tér 9. Hungary
Bank: OTP Bank Hungary
IBAN: HU42 1170 5008 2043 6034 0000 0000
Swift code: OTPVHUHB
In the details of payment section, please mention: “National Identity” and full name of participant and code 20400B180
For payment in Hungarian Forints, the following bank account number should be used:
Beneficiary: Károli Gáspar University, H-1091 Budapest Kálvin tér 9. Hungary
Bank: OTP Bank Hungary
In the details of payment section, please mention: “National Identity” and full name of participant and code 20400B180
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