Tudományos cím: Dr
Nem: Férfi
Születési év: 1955
Születési hely: - Budapest
Email-cím(ek): - polos.laszlo@kre.hu, laszlo.polos@durham.ac.uk, laszlo.polos@gmail.com,
Hivatali telefonszám: - +441913345290
Doktori tanulmányok
Doktori (PhD) védés éve: - 1993
Tudományág: - Filozófia
Disszertáció címe: -Logikai Szemantikák és Alkalmazásaik/Logical Semantics and Their Applications
Oklevelet kiállító intézmény: - Tudományos Minösítö Bizottság
MA-fokozat megszerzésének éve: - 1980, 1982
Tudományág(ak): - Matematika-Fizika, Filozófia
Oklevelet kiállító intézmény: - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Természettudományi kar,Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bölcsészettudományi kar,
Egyéb tanulmányok és képesítések
Intézmény | Képesítés | Év |
Universiteit van Amsterdam | Basic Dutch | 1993 |
Jelenlegi munkaadó: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
Kar: - Bölcsészettudományi kar
Intézet: - Szabadbölcsészet és Müvészettudomány
Tanszék: - Müvészettudomány
Beosztás: - Professzor
Jelenlegi munkaadó: Durham University
Kar: - Business School
Intézet: - Management and Marketing
Tanszék: - Management
Beosztás: - Professzor of Organization Theory
Korábbi munkaadó: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Beosztás: Hoofddocent
Korábbi munkaadó: Stanford University Graduate School of Business
Beosztás:Visiting Professor
Korábbi munkaadó: Universiteit van Amsterdam
Beosztás: Docent
Korábbi munkaadó: Dutch Research Council
Beosztás: Senior Researcher
Korábbi munkaadó: - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Beosztás: Docent
Kutatási és oktatási szakterületek
Logika, Tudományfilozófia, Filozófia Történet
Szociológia, Szervezetelmélet, Társadalomtudományi Módszertan, Kognitív Szociológia
Tudományos kutatócsoportban vagy projektben való részvétel
Applied Logic Laboratory (ALL)
Institute for Formal Studies in the Social Sciences
Centre for Computer Science in Organization and Management (CCSOM)
Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM)
Nederlands Instituut voor Advance Study (NIAS)
Centre of Organizational Dynamics (CODES)
Comparative Police Studies in the EU (COMPOSITE)
Oktatásszervezés, tudományszervezés
Időszak | Funkció vagy tevékenység |
2002-2002 | Director of the Institute for Formal Studies in the Social Sciences |
2005-2016 | Director of the Research Centre CODES |
2010-2014 | Work Package Leader, Principal Investigator of COMPOSITE and Head of the Academic Board of the COMPOSITE research project of the European Commission |
2011-2014 | Head of the Academic Board of the COMPOSITE research project of the European Commission |
2009-2017 | Director of the Durham DOCTORAL PROGAM DBA |
2020- | Codirector of the Institute of Advanced Study at Durham University |
Nyelv | Nyelvtudás szintje és fajtája |
Angol | Cambridge Proficiency |
Holland | Basic |
German | Basic |
Russian | Basic |
Díjak és kitüntetések
Díj vagy kitüntetés neve | Kiadó intézmény | Elnyerés éve |
Tankönyv Nívódíj | Oktatási Minisztérium | 1987 |
Kiváló felsöoktatási tevékenységér | Oktatási Minisztérium | 1988 |
ERIM Fellowship | Erasmus Universitiet Rotterdam | 1999 |
Széchenyi Professzori ösztöndíj of Applied Logic | Oktatási Minisztérium | 1998 |
Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advance Study | NIAS | 2000 |
Best Paper in Mathematical Sociology Award | American Sociological Association | 2003 |
Membership | European Academy of Sociology | 2013 |
Kültag | Magyar Tudományos Akadémia | 2019 |
Tagság tudományos társaságokban
Szervezet neve | Betöltött funkció |
Magyar Filozófiai Társaság | tag |
American Sociological Association | tag |
Academy of Management | tag |
EGOS | tag |
European Academy of Sociology | tag |
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia | Kültag |
Vendégoktatás és kutatóutak külföldi intézményekben
Időszak | Intézmény | Tevékenység |
1998 | Bocconi University, Milánó | Visiting Professor |
2002-2003 | Graduate School of Business Stanford University | Visiting Professor |
2006- | Fudan University, Shanghai | Visiting Professor |
2009 | Insead | Visiting Professor |
2010 | Lugano | Visiting Professor |
Doktori témavezetések
Doktori hallgató neve, intézmény |
Kutatási téma / Disszertáció címe | Védés éve |
Issam AL Tawari | Debt Capital Market in the GCC Region | 2020 |
Vladimir Vladimirov Durham University | Transformation of Troubled Organizations | 2020 |
Jamal AL Akkad Durham University | Aligning the appel of Entrepreneurs and Investors | 2018 |
Nagy Domokos Károly Durham University | Ecological Analysis of Tokaj-Hegyalja | 2018 |
Riyad Al-Saie Durham University | Corporate Culture and Performance | 2017 |
Najib Ali Mozahem Durham University | Identities Categories and Cluster Lebanese Newspaper Industry | 2015 |
Bernard Groen Durham University | Complex Organizational Integration | 2015 |
Mark Fletcher Durham University | The nuts and bolts of the UK kit car movement | 2012 |
Oleg Konovalov Durham University | Personal Networks in Russian Business: Structure,Rules Trust | 2011 |
Zhang JianMing Durham University | Ecological Analysis of the Corporate Identity Consultancy | 2010 |
Jeroen Kuilman Erasmus Universiteit | Re-Emergence of Foreign Banks in Shanghai | 2005 |
Opponencia doktori védéseken
Doktori hallgató neve, intézmény |
Kutatási téma / Disszertáció címe | Védés éve |
Maarten Marx Universiteit van Amsterdam | Algebraic Relativization and Arrow Logic | 1995 |
Jaap Kamps Universiteit van Amsterdam | A Logical Approach to Computational Theory Building | 2000 |
Cezar Garcia-Diaz Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | Changing Market Structures (...) An Agent Based Approach | 2008 |
Fabiana Visentin Ca' Foscari Univ. Venice | The Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizational Populations | 2007 |
Harun Sencal Durham University | The Shari'ah Governance System of Islamic Banks | 2018 |
A Logika Elemei. (Elementary Logic). (with Imre Ruzsa). Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1987.
Bevezetés a Logikába. (Introduction to Logic). (with Imre Ruzsa). Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1988. (two further editions in 1992 and 1996)
A Logika Elemei. (Elementary Logic) (with Anna Madarász and Imre Ruzsa). Ozírisz Kiadó, Budapest, 1999. (new, revised edition)
A Logika Elemei. (Elementary Logic) (with Anna Madarász and Imre Ruzsa). Ozírisz Kiadó, Budapest, 2004. (new edition)
Logics of Organization Theory. (with Michael T. Hannan and Glenn R. Carroll). Princeton University Press Princeton and Oxford 2007
Concepts and Categories: Foundations for Sociological and Cultural Analysis
(with Michael T. Hannan, Gaël Le Mens, Greta Hsu, Balázs Kovács, Giacomo Negro, Elizabeth G. Pontikes, and Amanda J. Sharkey) Columbia University Press 2019
Szerkesztett kötetek, folyóiratok
Intensional Logic, History of Philosophy, and Methodology. (with Bodnár István and Mátá András) A Filozófiai Figyelö Kiskönyvtára, Sorozatban, 1988.
Logic and Language. (with Kálmán László) Akadémiai Kiadó, 1990.
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Under Uncertainty. (with Michael Masuch) Springer-Verlag, 1994.
Applied Logic: How What and Why? (with Michael Masuch) Synthese Library, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
Arrow Logic and Multi-Modal Logic. (with Maarten Marx and Michael Masuch) FoLLI and CSLI Publications Stanford, 1996.
László Pólos and Michael Masuch. “Information States in Situation Theory.” In Pólos and Masuch (eds.) Applied Logic: How What and Why? Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995. pp. 195-236
Z. Huang, M. Masuch, and L. Pólos. “A Preference Logic for Rational Actions.” In Blanning and King (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Organizational Design. 1996.
László Pólos, M. T. Hannan, and G. R. Carroll. “Forms and Populations.” In Carroll and Hannan. The Demography of Corporations and Industries. Princeton University Press, 2000.
László Pólos. “Egy talált kulcs Parmenídész tanköltemenyéhez.” In: I. Ruzsa (ed.). Tertium Non Datur. Ozirisz
László Pólos and Michael T. Hannan. “Non-Monotonicity in Theory Building.” In Lomi and Larsen (eds.) Dynamics of Organizations. MIT Press, 2001. pp.403-435
Pólos László : "Kommunikáció Intézményesülés és Innovativitás" In Bajnok, Korpics, Milován, Pólya és Szabó (szerkesztök) A Kommunikatív Állapot Diszpiplináris Rekonstrukciók Typotex (2012)
Pólos László : "Forrásmegosztás és Fenntarthatóság" In: Spannraft Marcellina (szerkesztö) Tertium Datur- Tanulmányok Lázár Imre Tiszteletére L'Harmattan kiadó 2018 Budapest
Cikkek tudományos folyóiratokban
László Pólos. “Turn or Continuity (On some documents on Wittgenstein’s philosophy-teaching activity.” Magyar Filozófiai Szemle (1984) 3-4:363-378
I. Ruzsa, A. Madarász, A. Máté, A. Bárd, L. Pólos, and T. Szécsényi. “Hütlen Tükör.” Tertium non Datur (1984) 1:127-163
László Pólos. “Szituáció Szemantika (Egy születöben levö elmélet).” Tertium non Datur (1984) 1:209-223
László Pólos. “Az anyagnevek lázadása.” Tertium non Datur (1985) 2:197-220
László Pólos. “Is the Fregean Tradition Dead (or Does It Contain a Viable Alternative to Situation Semantics).” Doxa (1985) 2:53-59
László Pólos. “DRT and the Structured Domains (Typed or Type-free).” Logic and Language Vol 3. (eds I. Ruzsa and A. Szabolcsi) Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1984. pp. 111-121
László Pólos. “Egy talált Kulcs Parmenídészhez: Az anyagnevek Szemantikája.” Tertium non Datur (1987) 4:147-164
László Pólos. “A Found Key.” Journal of Symbolic Logic (1987) 52:1080
László Pólos. “A Key Found to Parmenides.” In Intensional Logic, History of Philosophy and Methodology. Special issue of Filozófiai Figyelö (eds I. M. Bodnár, A. Máté, and L. Pólos) (1988) pp. 127-141
László Pólos. “Default Rules and Deductive Closure.” Journal of Symbolic Logic (1993) 58:1143-1144
Z. Huang, M. Masuch, L. Pólos. “ALX an Action Logic for Agents with Bounded Rationality.” Artificial Intelligence(1996) 82:75-127
László Pólos. “Logical Semantics for Deferred Information.” Acta Linguistica Hungarica (1995) 42:305-323
M. Masuch, J. Bruggeman, J. Kamps, G. Péli, and L. Pólos. “What Theory Is... A Reaction to Sutton and Staw’s Essay: What a Theory is Not.” Administrative Science Quarterly (Discussion Listserver) CCSOM reprint 96-137 (1996)
Jaap Kamps, and László Pólos. “Reducing Uncertainty.” American Journal of Sociology (1999) 104:1774-1810
Gábor Péli, László Pólos, and Michael T. Hannan. “Szervezeti tehetetlenség. Formalizálási stílusok, elméleti következmények.” Szociológiai Figyelö (1999) 1:120-143
Gábor Péli, László Pólos, and Michael T. Hannan. ``Back to Inertia.” Sociological Theory (2000) 18 pp. 193-213
László Pólos, Michael T. Hannan, and Glenn R. Carroll. ``Foundations of a Theory of Social Forms.” Industrial and Corporate Change (2002) 11:85–115
László Pólos and Michael T. Hannan. “Reasoning with Partial Knowledge.” Sociological Methodology (2002) 32-133-81
Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos, and Glenn R. Carroll. “Cascading Organizational Change.” Organization Science (2003) Vol. 14 No 5.
Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll and László Pólos. “The Organizational Niche.” Sociological Theory (2003) Vol. 21 No 4.
Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos, and Glenn R. Carroll. “The Fog of Change: Opacity and Asperity in Organizations” Administrative Science Quarterly (2003)
Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos, and Glenn R. Carroll. “The Evolution of Organizational Inertia.” Industial and Corporate Change (2004)
Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll and László Pólos. “Integrating Niche Theory and Resource Partitioning Theory.” Sociological Theory (2004)
László Pólos and Michael T. Hannan. “A Logic for Theories in Flux: A Model Theoretic Approach.” (Logique et Analyse) (2005)
László Pólos and Arjen van Witteloostuijn. “Who should dare to change? Lessons from Organizational Ecology.”The Netherlands Journal of Social Sciences (2006)
Jacobs, G., Christe-Zeyse, J., Keegan, A., & Pólos, L. “Reactions to organizational identity threats in times of change: Illustrations from the German police” (Corporate Reputation Review) (2008)
Ron Adler, László Pólos, Michael Ryall and Olav Sorenson “The Case for Formal Theory” (Academy of Management Review) (2009)
Pólos, L., Hannan, M.T. & Hsu, G. “Modalities in Sociological Arguments“ (Journal of Mathematical Sociology). (2010)
Hsu, G., Hannan, M.T. & Pólos, L. “Typecasting, legitimation, and form emergence: A formal theory.” (Sociological Theory) (2011).
Le Mens, G., Hannan, M.T. & Pólos, L. “Founding Condition, Learning and Organizational Life Chances: Age Dependence Revisited.” (Administrative Science Quarterly) (2011).
Jacobs, G., van Witteloostuijn, A., Pólos, L. and Christe‐Zeyse, J. “A theoretical framework of organizational change”, Journal of Organizational Change Management (2012)
van den Born, A., van Witteloostuijn, A., Barlag, M., Sapulete, S., van den Oord, A., Rogist, S., Vallet, N., Reguli, Z., Vit, M. Mouhanna, C., Binder, H., Blumenthal, V., Christe-Zeyse, J., Giljohann, S., Gruschinske, M., Pautz, H., Stein-Müller, S., Bisogni, F., Costanzo, P., Stojanovski, T., Mirceva, S., Krstevska, K., Rajkovcevski, R., Stamenova, M. Bayerl, S., Horton, K., Jacobs, G., Jochoms, T., Vogel, G. Andrei, D., Baban, A., Chirica, S., Otoiu, C., Ratiu, L., Rus, C., Varga, M., Vonas, G., Alsina, V., Gascó, M. Allen, K., Birdi, K. Betteridge, K., Casey, R., Graham, L. & Pólos, L. “Policing opportunities and threats in Europe.” (Journal of Organizational Change Management) (2013).
Le Mens, G., Hannan, M. T. & Pólos, L. “Organizational Obsolescence, Drifting Tastes, and Age-Dependence in Organizational Life Chances: (Organization Science) (2015).
Le Mens, G., Hannan, M. T. & Pólos, L. “Age-Related Structural Inertia: A Distance-based Approach.” (Organization Science) (2015).
Oord, A.V.D., Elliott, K., Witteloostuijn, A.V., Barlage, M., Pólos, L. & Rogiest, S. “A Cognitive Organization Theory (COT) of Organizational Change: Measuring Organizational Texture, Audience Appeal, and Leadership Engagement.” (Journal of Organizational Change Management) (2017).
Min Liu, László Pólos Michael T. Hannan: Tied by Institutionalization: A formal Theory and Evidence GSB Working Paper No. 3819 (2019)
Min Liu, László Pólos, Michael T. Hannan:Price for Embeddedness is Declining Adaptive Capabilities: Models Measurements and Illustration (British Journal of Management) (2020).
Title: Professor Dr
Gender: male
Year of Birth: 1955
Place of Birth (Country): Budapest (Hungary)
Email-address(es): - polos.laszlo@kre.hu, laszlo.polos@durham.ac.uk, laszlo.polos@gmail.com
Office Phone Number: -+441913345290
Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): -1993
Discipline: -Philosophy
Title of Thesis: - Logical Semantics and their Applications
Issuing Institution: - Hungarian Committee of Scientific Qualification
MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: -1980,1982
Discipline(s): -Mathematics and Physics, Philosophy
Issuing Institution: - Loránd Eötvös University Budapest
Further Studies and Qualifications
Institution | Qualification | Year of Obtaining the Qualification |
Universiteit van Amsterdam | Basic Dutch | 1993 |
Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: - Arts and Humanities
Institute: - Liberal Arts
Department: - Theory of Art
Current Position(s): -Professor
Current Employer: Durham University
Faculty: - Business School
Institute: - Management and Marketing
Department: - Management
Current Positions: - Professzor of Organization Theory Co-Director of IAS
Earlier employer: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Position: Hoofddocent
Earlier employer: Stanford University Graduate School of Business
Position:Visiting Professor
Earlier employer: Universiteit van Amsterdam
Position: Docent
Earlier employer: Dutch Research Council
Position: Senior Researcher
Earlier employeró: - Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Position: Docent
Areas of Research and Teaching
Logic, Philosophy of Science, History of Philosophy
Sociology, Organization Theory, the Methodology of the Social Sciences, Cognitive Sociology
Membership in Research Groups and Projects
Applied Logic Laboratory (ALL)
Institute for Formal Studies in the Social Sciences
Centre for Computer Science in Organization and Management (CCSOM)
Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM)
Nederlands Instituut voor Advance Study (NIAS)
Centre of Organizational Dynamics (CODES)
Comparative Police Studies in the EU (COMPOSITE)
Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities
Period | Function or Activity |
2000-2002 | Director of the Institute for Formal Studies in the Social Sciences |
2005-2016 | Director of the Research Centre CODES |
2010-2014 | Work Package Leader, Principal Investigator of COMPOSITE and Head of the Academic Board of the COMPOSITE research project of the European Commission |
2011-2014 | Head of the Academic Board of the COMPOSITE research project of the European Commission |
2009-2017 | Director of the Durham DOCTORAL PROGAM DBA |
2020- | Codirector of the Institute of Advanced Study at Durham University |
Language Skills
Language | Level and Kind of Proficiency |
English | Cambridge Proficiency |
Dutch | Basic |
German | Basic |
Russian | Basic |
Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes
Name of Distinction | Issuing Institution | Year of Issuing |
Best textbook Award | Ministry of Education | 1987 |
Ministerial Award for Teaching Achievements | Ministry of Education | 1988 |
ERIM Fellowship | Erasmus Universitiet Rotterdam | 1999 |
Széchenyi Professzori Stipend of Applied Logic | Ministry of Education | 1998 |
Fellow, Netherlands Institute for Advance Study | NIAS | 2000 |
Best Paper in Mathematical Sociology Award | American Sociological Association | 2003 |
Membership | European Academy of Sociology | 2013 |
External Membership | Hungarian Academy of Science | 2019 |
Membership in Academic Societies
Name of Organization | Function (if any) |
Magyar Filozófiai Társaság | member |
American Sociological Association | member |
Academy of Management | member |
EGOS | member |
European Academy of Sociology | member |
Hungarian Academy of Sciences | externaml member |
Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign
Period | Institution | Activities |
1998 | Bocconi University, Milánó | Visiting Professor |
2002-2003 | Graduate School of Business Stanford University | Visiting Professor |
2006- | Fudan University, Shanghai | Visiting Professor |
2009 | Insead | Visiting Professor |
2010 | Lugano | Visiting Professor |
Promotorship in Doctoral Studies
Name of Doctoral Student, Institution |
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation | Year of Defence (if applicable) |
Issam Al Tawari Durham University | Debt Capital Market in the GCC Region | 2020 |
Vladimir Vladimirov Durham University | Transformation of Troubled Organizations | 2020 |
Jamal AL Akkad Durham University | Aligning the appel of Entrepreneurs and Investors | 2018 |
Nagy Domokos Károly Durham University | Ecological Analysis of Tokaj-Hegyalja | 2018 |
Riyad Al-Saie Durham University | Corporate Culture and Performance | 2017 |
Najib Ali Mozahem Durham University | Identities Categories and Cluster Lebanese Newspaper Industry | 2015 |
Bernard Groen Durham University | Complex Organizational Integration | 2015 |
Mark Fletcher Durham University | The nuts and bolts of the UK kit car movement | 2012 |
Oleg Konovalov Durham University | Personal Networks in Russian Business: Structure,Rules Trust | 2011 |
Zhang JianMing Durham University | Ecological Analysis of the Corporate Identity Consultancy | 2010 |
Jeroen Kuilman Erasmus Universiteit | Re-Emergence of Foreign Banks in Shanghai | 2005 |
Opponentship in Doctoral Defences
Name of Doctoral Student, Institution |
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation | Year of Defence (if applicable) |
Maarten Marx Universiteit van Amsterdam | Algebraic Relativization and Arrow Logic | 1995 |
Jaap Kamps Universiteit van Amsterdam | A Logical Approach to Computational Theory Building | 2000 |
Cezar Garcia-Diaz Rijksuniversiteit Groningen | Changing Market Structures (...) An Agent Based Approach | 2008 |
Fabiana Visentin Ca' Foscari Univ. Venice | The Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizational Populations | 2007 |
Harun Sencal Durham University | The Shari'ah Governance System of Islamic Banks | 2018 |
A Logika Elemei. (Elementary Logic). (with Imre Ruzsa). Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1987.
Bevezetés a Logikába. (Introduction to Logic). (with Imre Ruzsa). Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 1988. (two further editions in 1992 and 1996)
A Logika Elemei. (Elementary Logic) (with Anna Madarász and Imre Ruzsa). Ozírisz Kiadó, Budapest, 1999. (new, revised edition)
A Logika Elemei. (Elementary Logic) (with Anna Madarász and Imre Ruzsa). Ozírisz Kiadó, Budapest, 2004. (new edition)
Logics of Organization Theory. (with Michael T. Hannan and Glenn R. Carroll). Princeton University Press Princeton and Oxford 2007
Concepts and Categories: Foundations for Sociological and Cultural Analysis
(with Michael T. Hannan, Gaël Le Mens, Greta Hsu, Balázs Kovács, Giacomo Negro, Elizabeth G. Pontikes, and Amanda J. Sharkey) Columbia University Press 2019
Chapters in Books
László Pólos and Michael Masuch. “Information States in Situation Theory.” In Pólos and Masuch (eds.) Applied Logic: How What and Why? Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995. pp. 195-236
Z. Huang, M. Masuch, and L. Pólos. “A Preference Logic for Rational Actions.” In Blanning and King (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Organizational Design. 1996.
László Pólos, M. T. Hannan, and G. R. Carroll. “Forms and Populations.” In Carroll and Hannan. The Demography of Corporations and Industries. Princeton University Press, 2000.
László Pólos. “Egy talált kulcs Parmenídész tanköltemenyéhez.” In: I. Ruzsa (ed.). Tertium Non Datur. Ozirisz
László Pólos and Michael T. Hannan. “Non-Monotonicity in Theory Building.” In Lomi and Larsen (eds.) Dynamics of Organizations. MIT Press, 2001. pp.403-435
Pólos László : "Kommunikáció Intézményesülés és Innovativitás" In Bajnok, Korpics, Milován, Pólya és Szabó (szerkesztök) A Kommunikatív Állapot Diszpiplináris Rekonstrukciók Typotex (2012)
Pólos László : "Forrásmegosztás és Fenntarthatóság" In: Spannraft Marcellina (szerkesztö) Tertium Datur- Tanulmányok Lázár Imre Tiszteletére L'Harmattan kiadó 2018 Budapest
Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)
László Pólos. “Turn or Continuity (On some documents on Wittgenstein’s philosophy-teaching activity.” Magyar Filozófiai Szemle (1984) 3-4:363-378
I. Ruzsa, A. Madarász, A. Máté, A. Bárd, L. Pólos, and T. Szécsényi. “Hütlen Tükör.” Tertium non Datur (1984) 1:127-163
László Pólos. “Szituáció Szemantika (Egy születöben levö elmélet).” Tertium non Datur (1984) 1:209-223
László Pólos. “Az anyagnevek lázadása.” Tertium non Datur (1985) 2:197-220
László Pólos. “Is the Fregean Tradition Dead (or Does It Contain a Viable Alternative to Situation Semantics).” Doxa (1985) 2:53-59
László Pólos. “DRT and the Structured Domains (Typed or Type-free).” Logic and Language Vol 3. (eds I. Ruzsa and A. Szabolcsi) Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1984. pp. 111-121
László Pólos. “Egy talált Kulcs Parmenídészhez: Az anyagnevek Szemantikája.” Tertium non Datur (1987) 4:147-164
László Pólos. “A Found Key.” Journal of Symbolic Logic (1987) 52:1080
László Pólos. “A Key Found to Parmenides.” In Intensional Logic, History of Philosophy and Methodology. Special issue of Filozófiai Figyelö (eds I. M. Bodnár, A. Máté, and L. Pólos) (1988) pp. 127-141
László Pólos. “Default Rules and Deductive Closure.” Journal of Symbolic Logic (1993) 58:1143-1144
Z. Huang, M. Masuch, L. Pólos. “ALX an Action Logic for Agents with Bounded Rationality.” Artificial Intelligence(1996) 82:75-127
László Pólos. “Logical Semantics for Deferred Information.” Acta Linguistica Hungarica (1995) 42:305-323
M. Masuch, J. Bruggeman, J. Kamps, G. Péli, and L. Pólos. “What Theory Is... A Reaction to Sutton and Staw’s Essay: What a Theory is Not.” Administrative Science Quarterly (Discussion Listserver) CCSOM reprint 96-137 (1996)
Jaap Kamps, and László Pólos. “Reducing Uncertainty.” American Journal of Sociology (1999) 104:1774-1810
Gábor Péli, László Pólos, and Michael T. Hannan. “Szervezeti tehetetlenség. Formalizálási stílusok, elméleti következmények.” Szociológiai Figyelö (1999) 1:120-143
Gábor Péli, László Pólos, and Michael T. Hannan. ``Back to Inertia.” Sociological Theory (2000) 18 pp. 193-213
László Pólos, Michael T. Hannan, and Glenn R. Carroll. ``Foundations of a Theory of Social Forms.” Industrial and Corporate Change (2002) 11:85–115
László Pólos and Michael T. Hannan. “Reasoning with Partial Knowledge.” Sociological Methodology (2002) 32-133-81
Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos, and Glenn R. Carroll. “Cascading Organizational Change.” Organization Science (2003) Vol. 14 No 5.
Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll and László Pólos. “The Organizational Niche.” Sociological Theory (2003) Vol. 21 No 4.
Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos, and Glenn R. Carroll. “The Fog of Change: Opacity and Asperity in Organizations” Administrative Science Quarterly (2003)
Michael T. Hannan, László Pólos, and Glenn R. Carroll. “The Evolution of Organizational Inertia.” Industial and Corporate Change (2004)
Michael T. Hannan, Glenn R. Carroll and László Pólos. “Integrating Niche Theory and Resource Partitioning Theory.” Sociological Theory (2004)
László Pólos and Michael T. Hannan. “A Logic for Theories in Flux: A Model Theoretic Approach.” (Logique et Analyse) (2005)
László Pólos and Arjen van Witteloostuijn. “Who should dare to change? Lessons from Organizational Ecology.”The Netherlands Journal of Social Sciences (2006)
Jacobs, G., Christe-Zeyse, J., Keegan, A., & Pólos, L. “Reactions to organizational identity threats in times of change: Illustrations from the German police” (Corporate Reputation Review) (2008)
Ron Adler, László Pólos, Michael Ryall and Olav Sorenson “The Case for Formal Theory” (Academy of Management Review) (2009)
Pólos, L., Hannan, M.T. & Hsu, G. “Modalities in Sociological Arguments“ (Journal of Mathematical Sociology). (2010)
Hsu, G., Hannan, M.T. & Pólos, L. “Typecasting, legitimation, and form emergence: A formal theory.” (Sociological Theory) (2011).
Le Mens, G., Hannan, M.T. & Pólos, L. “Founding Condition, Learning and Organizational Life Chances: Age Dependence Revisited.” (Administrative Science Quarterly) (2011).
Jacobs, G., van Witteloostuijn, A., Pólos, L. and Christe‐Zeyse, J. “A theoretical framework of organizational change”, Journal of Organizational Change Management (2012)
van den Born, A., van Witteloostuijn, A., Barlag, M., Sapulete, S., van den Oord, A., Rogist, S., Vallet, N., Reguli, Z., Vit, M. Mouhanna, C., Binder, H., Blumenthal, V., Christe-Zeyse, J., Giljohann, S., Gruschinske, M., Pautz, H., Stein-Müller, S., Bisogni, F., Costanzo, P., Stojanovski, T., Mirceva, S., Krstevska, K., Rajkovcevski, R., Stamenova, M. Bayerl, S., Horton, K., Jacobs, G., Jochoms, T., Vogel, G. Andrei, D., Baban, A., Chirica, S., Otoiu, C., Ratiu, L., Rus, C., Varga, M., Vonas, G., Alsina, V., Gascó, M. Allen, K., Birdi, K. Betteridge, K., Casey, R., Graham, L. & Pólos, L. “Policing opportunities and threats in Europe.” (Journal of Organizational Change Management) (2013).
Le Mens, G., Hannan, M. T. & Pólos, L. “Organizational Obsolescence, Drifting Tastes, and Age-Dependence in Organizational Life Chances: (Organization Science) (2015).
Le Mens, G., Hannan, M. T. & Pólos, L. “Age-Related Structural Inertia: A Distance-based Approach.” (Organization Science) (2015).
Oord, A.V.D., Elliott, K., Witteloostuijn, A.V., Barlage, M., Pólos, L. & Rogiest, S. “A Cognitive Organization Theory (COT) of Organizational Change: Measuring Organizational Texture, Audience Appeal, and Leadership Engagement.” (Journal of Organizational Change Management) (2017).
Min Liu, László Pólos Michael T. Hannan: Tied by Institutionalization: A formal Theory and Evidence GSB Working Paper No. 3819 (2019)
Min Liu, László Pólos, Michael T. Hannan: Price for Embeddedness is Declining Adaptive Capabilities: Models Measurements and Illustration (British Journal of Management) (2020).
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