Cím: Dr. PhD
Nem: Férfi
Születési év: 1977
Születési hely: Magyarország
Email-cím(ek): pinter.gabor@kre.hu, andzsinszan@gmail.com
Hivatali telefonszám: 81+(0)78-803-7422
Doktori tanulmányok
Doktori (PhD) védés éve: 2008
Tudományág: Nyelvtudomány
Disszertáció címe: Asymmetrical segment distributions in Japanese
Oklevelet kiállító intézmény: Kobe University, Japán
MA-fokozat megszerzésének éve: 2005
Tudományág(ak): Bölcsészettudomány
Oklevelet kiállító intézmény: Kobe University, Japán
Egyéb tanulmányok és képesítések
Intézmény | Képesítés | Év |
Jelenlegi munkaadó: Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
Kar: Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kar
Intézet: Keleti Nyelvek és Kultúrák Intézete
Tanszék: Japanológia Tanszék
Beosztás: egyetemi adjunktus
Jelenlegi munkaadó: Kobe University, School of Languages and Communication Japán
Beosztás: egyetemi docens
Korábbi munkaadó: Advanced Media Inc. (Tokyo), Core Technology Group
Beosztás: programozó
Egyéb korábbi munkaadó:
Kutatási és oktatási szakterületek
Oktatás: fonológia, fonetika, morfológia, általános nyelvészet, angol nyelv, magyar nyelv
Kutatási területek: fonológia, fonetika, automatikus beszédfelismerés
Tudományos kutatócsoportban vagy projektben való részvétel
Project: Phonological Characteristics of the Japanese Lexicon (Kutatásvezető: Haruo Kubozono)
Intézmény: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics,
Státusz: külső tag
Phonology Association in Kansai (PAIK) (elnök, szervező)
Project: Stochastic & theoretical phonological research based on databases and phonetic experiments (Kutatásvezető: Takeru Honma) (8 kutatóval)
JSPS - Scientific Research B
Státusz: kutató
Oktatásszervezés, tudományszervezés
Időszak | Funkció vagy tevékenység |
2011-2013 | English Education Division: vezetőségi tag |
2013-2014 | MA angol felvételi vizsgabizottság tagja, |
Nyelv | Nyelvtudás szintje és fajtája |
japán | felsőfokú, Nemzetközi Japán Nyelvi Alkalmassági Vizsga: 1. szint |
koreai | középfokú, Koreai Nyelvi Alkalmassági Vizsga: 3. szint |
angol | felsőfokú |
magyar | anyanyelvi |
Díjak és kitüntetések
Díj vagy kitüntetés neve | Kiadó intézmény | Elnyerés éve |
Tagság tudományos társaságokban
Szervezet neve | Betöltött funkció |
The Phonological Society of Japan | vezetőségi tag |
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics | külső project tag |
Phonology Association in Kansai (PAIK) | szervező, elnök |
International Speech Communication Association | tag |
Association for Laboratory Phonology | tag |
Vendégoktatás és kutatóutak külföldi intézményekben
Időszak | Intézmény | Tevékenység |
2011-2015 | Kansai University, Japan | megbízott oktató (nyelvészet) |
2005-2007 | Osaka University of Foreign Studies | megbízott oktató (magyar társalgás) |
Doktori témavezetések
Doktori hallgató neve, intézmény |
Kutatási téma / Disszertáció címe | Védés éve |
Opponencia doktori védéseken
Doktori hallgató neve, intézmény |
Kutatási téma / Disszertáció címe | Védés éve |
??? (Xue Jinyang), Kobe University |
Long vowel reduction in Japanese | 2014 |
Pintér, G. (2015). Emergence of new consonant phonemes. In H. Kubozono (ed.) Handbook of Japanese Phonetics and Phonology, Chapter 3, 121–166, De Gruyter Mouton.
Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi, K. Tateishi (2014). Perception of Prosodic Prominence and Boundaries by L1 and L2 Speakers of English. In Proceedings of InterSpeech 2014, Singapore.
Jokisch, Oliver, Tristan Langenberg, Gábor. Pintér, (2014). Intonation-Based Classification of Language Proficiency Using FDA. In Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon, and Daniel Hirst (eds.) Speech Prosody 7, 795–798.
Pintér, G. (2013). Perceptual distance and the decline of Japanese velar glides. In: Kyoung Kwon (ed.) Japanese linguistics and Japanese education. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies: Seoul, 295–310. [in Japanese]
Pintér, G. (2008). Asymmetrical phonologization in Japanese: A case study. In H. Kubozono (ed.) Asymmetries in Phonology: An East-Asian Perspective, 165–181, Tokyo: Kuroshio.
Cikkek tudományos folyóiratokban
Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi, K. Yamato (2014). Boundary and prominence perception by Japanese learners of English: A preliminary study. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 17, 59–66.
Pintér, G. (2011). Developing an open source pronunciation training system. Bulletin of School of Languages and Communication, 8, 52–60.
Pintér, G. (2010). Technical report about the current limitations of computer assisted pronunciation training systems. Bulletin of School of Languages and Communication, 7, 1–5.
Pintér, G. (2008). Syntagmatic and paradigmatic conditions on Japanese vowel devoicing. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 11, 27–32.
Pintér, G. (2007). Prosodic versus sequential constraints in phonotactics: A case study from Japanese. Kobe Papers in Linguistics, 5, 197–215.
Pintér, G. (2006). Richness of the Base and lexicon optimization in language change. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 9, 99–106.
Pintér, G. (2005). Vowel coalescence in Middle Japanese. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 8, 81–88.
Mark, S., K. Dohlus, G. Pintér (2005). Seeing geminates and hearing singletons: A pilot study. Theoretical and applied linguistics at Kobe Shoin, 8, 133–142.
Pintér, G. (2002). The minimal automaton of Japanese phonotactics. Online publication at Research Institute for Theoretical Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. [in Hungarian]
Pintér, G. (1999). The intonation of interrogative sentences in Japanese and Hungarian. Bulletin for Osaka University of Foreign Studies, 1, 81–94. [in Japanese]
Nyilvános megjelenések
Pintér, G. (2014). Representational approaches to Japanese CV phonotactics. FAJL 2014, International Christian University, Tokyo.
Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi, K. Yamato (2013). Prosody Perception by Japanese Learners of English. International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo.
Pintér, G., (2012). A Usage-Oriented Approach to Building Language Learners’ Speech Corpora. International Workshop on Corpus Linguistics and Endangered Dialects –The 22nd Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo.
Pintér, G. (2014). A brief outline of automatic speech recognition: Theory and (an) application. Global Seminar, Ritsumeikan University. [invited seminar talk].
Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi (2013). Prosody Perception by Japanese EFLs. Phonology Association at Kansai (PAIK), Kobe University, November session.
Pintér, G. (2013). Towards User Generated Speech Databases in Language Education. The 13th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing, Waseda University.
Pintér, G. (2013). The emergence of the stop-affricate system in Japanese. Phonology Association at Kansai (PAIK), Kobe University, April session.
Pintér, G. (2013). Hungarian overseas students and Japan. EU Japanese studies seminar, Kansai University. [invited seminar talk].
Pintér, G. (2012). Limitations of Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training Systems. JALT, Osaka chapter, January session. [invited talk]
Pintér, G. (2009). About the origins of Japanese CV restrictions. Phonology Forum, Kobe University.
Pintér, G. (2008). Investigating the origins of CV restriction in Japanese. Tokyo Circle of Phonologists (TCP), November session.
Pintér, G. (2007). Sequential constraints in phonotactic description. Phonology Forum, Sapporo University.
Pintér, G. (2007). Phonetic knowledge in language learning: A case study of Japanese learners of Hungarian. Information and Communications Technology in the Analysis, Teaching and Learning of Languages, Hiroshima.
Pintér, G. (2007). The interaction of contextual vowels and formant transitions in Japanese fricative perception. 315th Regular Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan, Tokyo University.
Pintér, G. (2007). Investigating the correlation between functional load and perceptual salience in Japanese alveolar obstruents. 2nd Joint Meeting of Phonological Association in Kansai and Tokyo Circle of Phonologists, Atami.
Pintér, G. (2006). Modeling diachronic changes of vowels: A computational approach. Phonology Forum, Waseda University.
Pintér, G. (2005). Where have the Japanese velar glides gone? LingO: Linguistics at Oxford, University of Oxford.
Pintér, G. (2004). Resolving hiatus in pre-modern Japanese. Phonology Forum, Hiroshima University.
Pintér, G. (2004). Vowel coalescence in Japanese: An OT approach with unary features. Phonology Association at Kansai (PAIK), Kobe University, February session.
Pintér, G. (2003). Hungarian geminates. The Uralic Society of Japan, Kansai University.
Pintér, G. (2002). Topic-focus articulation of Japanese sentences. European Association for Japanese Studies –Workshop for Doctoral Students, Paris.
Title: Dr.
Gender: M
Year of Birth: 1977
Place of Birth (Country): Hungary
Email-address(es): pinter.gabor@kre.hu, andzsinszan@gmail.com
Office Phone Number: 81+(0)78-803-7422
Doctoral Studies
Year of Doctoral Defence (PhD / CSc): 2008
Discipline: Linguistics
Title of Thesis: Asymmetrical segment distributions in Japanese
Issuing Institution: Kobe University
MA Studies
Year of Obtaining the MA Degree: 2005
Discipline(s): Linguistics
Issuing Institution: Kobe University
Further Studies and Qualifications
Institution | Qualification | Year of Obtaining the Qualification |
Current Employer: Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities
Institute: Institute for Oriental Studies
Department: Japanese
Current Position(s):
Current Employer: Kobe University in Japan
Institute: School of Languages and Communication
Current Position(s): associate professor
Previous Employer: Advanced Media Inc. (Tokyo)
Previous Position Held: Programmer, Core Technology Group
Areas of Research and Teaching
Teaching: phonology, phonetics, morphology, general linguistics, English, Hungarian
Research: phonology, phonetics, automatic speech recognition
Membership in Research Groups and Projects
Project: Phonological Characteristics of the Japanese Lexicon (leader: Haruo Kubozono)
Instittue: National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics,
Status: external member
Phonology Association in Kansai (chair, organizer)
status: organizer, chair
Project: Stochastic & theoretical phonological research based on databases and phonetic experiments (leader: Takeru Honma) (8 members)
Grant: JSPS - Scientific Research B
status: project member
Educational Functions, Curriculum Development and Other
Teaching-Related Activities
Period | Function or Activity |
2011-2013 | English Education Division: board member |
2013-2014 | Undergraduate English Entrance Exam committee member (ca. 7000 applicants) |
Language Skills
Language | Level and Kind of Proficiency |
Japanese | fluent, Japanese-Language Proficiency Test: Level 1 |
Korean | intermediate, Korean-Language Proficiency Test: Level 3 |
English | fluent |
Hungarian | native |
Honours, Distinctions, and Prizes
Name of Distinction | Issuing Institution | Year of Issuing |
Membership in Academic Societies
Name of Organization | Function (if any) |
The phonological society of Japan | board member |
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics | external project member |
Phonology Association in Kansai (PAIK) | organizer, chair |
International Speech Communication Association | member |
Association for Lboratory Phonology | member |
Guest Professorships and Research Fellowships in Foreign
Period | Institution | Activities |
2011-2015 (now) | Kansai University, Japan | part-time professor (linguistics) |
2005-2007 | Osaka University of Foreign Studies | part-time professor (Hungarian conversation) |
Promotorship in Doctoral Studies
Name of Doctoral Student, Institution |
Research Topic / Title of Dissertation | Year of Defence (if applicable) |
Opponentship in Doctoral Defences
Name of Doctoral Student, Institution |
Title of Dissertation | Year of Defence |
???, Kobe University |
Long vowel reduction in Japanese | 2014 |
Edited Books and Journals
Chapters in Books
Pintér, G. (2015). Emergence of new consonant phonemes. In H. Kubozono (ed.) Handbook of Japanese Phonetics and Phonology, Chapter 3, 121–166, De Gruyter Mouton.
Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi, K. Tateishi (2014). Perception of Prosodic Prominence and Boundaries by L1 and L2 Speakers of English. In Proceedings of InterSpeech 2014, Singapore.
Jokisch, Oliver, Tristan Langenberg, Gábor. Pintér, (2014). Intonation-Based Classification of Language Proficiency Using FDA. In Nick Campbell, Dafydd Gibbon, and Daniel Hirst (eds.) Speech Prosody 7, 795–798.
Pintér, G. (2013). Perceptual distance and the decline of Japanese velar glides. In: Kyoung Kwon (ed.) Japanese linguistics and Japanese education. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies: Seoul, 295–310. [in Japanese]
Pintér, G. (2008). Asymmetrical phonologization in Japanese: A case study. In H. Kubozono (ed.) Asymmetries in Phonology: An East-Asian Perspective, 165–181, Tokyo: Kuroshio.
Articles in Academic Reviews (Printed and Electronic)
Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi, K. Yamato (2014). Boundary and prominence perception by Japanese learners of English: A preliminary study. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 17, 59–66.
Pintér, G. (2011). Developing an open source pronunciation training system. Bulletin of School of Languages and Communication, 8, 52–60.
Pintér, G. (2010). Technical report about the current limitations of computer assisted pronunciation training systems. Bulletin of School of Languages and Communication, 7, 1–5.
Pintér, G. (2008). Syntagmatic and paradigmatic conditions on Japanese vowel devoicing. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 11, 27–32.
Pintér, G. (2007). Prosodic versus sequential constraints in phonotactics: A case study from Japanese. Kobe Papers in Linguistics, 5, 197–215.
Pintér, G. (2006). Richness of the Base and lexicon optimization in language change. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 9, 99–106.
Pintér, G. (2005). Vowel coalescence in Middle Japanese. Phonological Studies (Phonological Society of Japan), 8, 81–88.
Mark, S., K. Dohlus, G. Pintér (2005). Seeing geminates and hearing singletons: A pilot study. Theoretical and applied linguistics at Kobe Shoin, 8, 133–142.
Pintér, G. (2002). The minimal automaton of Japanese phonotactics. Online publication at Research Institute for Theoretical Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. [in Hungarian]
Pintér, G. (1999). The intonation of interrogative sentences in Japanese and Hungarian. Bulletin for Osaka University of Foreign Studies, 1, 81–94. [in Japanese]
Conference Proceedings (Printed and Electronic)
Book Reviews
Creative Writing
Films and Multimedia (Digital Textbooks, Multimedia Creations etc.)
Organisation of Conferences
Academic and public Appearances (Live and Electronic)
Pintér, G. (2014). Representational approaches to Japanese CV phonotactics. FAJL 2014, International Christian University, Tokyo.
Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi, K. Yamato (2013). Prosody Perception by Japanese Learners of English. International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo.
Pintér, G., (2012). A Usage-Oriented Approach to Building Language Learners’ Speech Corpora. International Workshop on Corpus Linguistics and Endangered Dialects –The 22nd Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo.
Pintér, G. (2014). A brief outline of automatic speech recognition: Theory and (an) application. Global Seminar, Ritsumeikan University. [invited seminar talk].
Pintér, G., S. Mizuguchi (2013). Prosody Perception by Japanese EFLs. Phonology Association at Kansai (PAIK), Kobe University, November session.
Pintér, G. (2013). Towards User Generated Speech Databases in Language Education. The 13th Korea-Japan Workshop on Linguistics and Language Processing, Waseda University.
Pintér, G. (2013). The emergence of the stop-affricate system in Japanese. Phonology Association at Kansai (PAIK), Kobe University, April session.
Pintér, G. (2013). Hungarian overseas students and Japan. EU Japanese studies seminar, Kansai University. [invited seminar talk].
Pintér, G. (2012). Limitations of Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training Systems. JALT, Osaka chapter, January session. [invited talk]
Pintér, G. (2009). About the origins of Japanese CV restrictions. Phonology Forum, Kobe University.
Pintér, G. (2008). Investigating the origins of CV restriction in Japanese. Tokyo Circle of Phonologists (TCP), November session.
Pintér, G. (2007). Sequential constraints in phonotactic description. Phonology Forum, Sapporo University.
Pintér, G. (2007). Phonetic knowledge in language learning: A case study of Japanese learners of Hungarian. Information and Communications Technology in the Analysis, Teaching and Learning of Languages, Hiroshima.
Pintér, G. (2007). The interaction of contextual vowels and formant transitions in Japanese fricative perception. 315th Regular Meeting of the Phonetic Society of Japan, Tokyo University.
Pintér, G. (2007). Investigating the correlation between functional load and perceptual salience in Japanese alveolar obstruents. 2nd Joint Meeting of Phonological Association in Kansai and Tokyo Circle of Phonologists, Atami.
Pintér, G. (2006). Modeling diachronic changes of vowels: A computational approach. Phonology Forum, Waseda University.
Pintér, G. (2005). Where have the Japanese velar glides gone? LingO: Linguistics at Oxford, University of Oxford.
Pintér, G. (2004). Resolving hiatus in pre-modern Japanese. Phonology Forum, Hiroshima University.
Pintér, G. (2004). Vowel coalescence in Japanese: An OT approach with unary features. Phonology Association at Kansai (PAIK), Kobe University, February session.
Pintér, G. (2003). Hungarian geminates. The Uralic Society of Japan, Kansai University.
Pintér, G. (2002). Topic-focus articulation of Japanese sentences. European Association for Japanese Studies –Workshop for Doctoral Students, Paris.
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