Károli North America Days: Canadian/ American Generations in Culture and the Arts

You are kindly invited to the conference entitled
American Generations in Culture and the Arts
within the framework of

to be held at the Faculty of Humanities of Károli Gáspár University

(address: 1146 Budapest, Dózsa György út 25-27, 2nd floor, room 221)  

on November 28 , 2018. from 4 PM to 7 PM



16:00-16:10 Opening remarksDr. Judit Nagy (Deputy Dean for International Affairs, Károli Gáspár University)


16:10-16:25: Introductory Comments 

Emma Nagy (Cultural Affairs Officer, Embassy of the United States, Budapest)


16:25-16:40 The Significance of Perspectives offered by the Hungarian Fulbright Commission

Dr. Károly Jókay (Executive Director of the Hungarian-American Fulbright Commission)


16:40-17:00: Reflections from the Perspective of an Alumnus

Dr. István Szokonya, (PhD  in American Studies at ELTE University, Budapest, Alumnus of Károli University, the Calvin Exchange Program and the Fulbright Exchange Program)


17:00-17:20: Thoughts on the topic in the Framework of the Exchange Program between Károli University and Calvin College

Dr. Katalin G. Kállay and  Visiting Calvin Students)


17:20-17:40: Coffee Break


17:40- 18:00: Remarks of two Hungarian Students on the Basis of the Study of American History: “Generations of Christian Music”

 Gergely Molnár, Gábor Kiss  (BA Students at Károli University)


18:00-18:20:  The Views of a Scholar from a Partner Institution: "A British Expat and His American Critics"

Dr. Dan Popescu (Partium Christian University, Oradea, Romania)


18:20-19:40: The Views of a Scholar of American History: “Four Waves of Feminism”

Dr. Júlia Fodor (Károli Gáspár University)


18:40-19:00: The North American Specialization Program at Károli University, Closing remarks

Dr. Katalin G. Kállay, (Károli Gáspár University)

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