Orpheus Noster 15. évf. 3. sz. (2023)


Júlia Fodor: Competing Narratives of Irish Independence, 7-24.

Ágnes Beretzky: In Close Tandem? The Parallel Biographies of Harold Nicolson (1886–1968) and Allen Leeper (1887–1935), 25-35.

Zsuzsanna Péri-Nagy: Tolkien, the Practicing Catholic: The Early Letters, 36-45.

Judit Nagy: Private Memory and Public History in Chang-rae Lee’s A Gesture Life and in Christina Park’s The Homes We Build on Ashes, 46-58.

Zita Turi: “Dreams always speak in Welsh” – Fictional Realities in Antal Szerb’s The Pendragon Legend, 59-73.

Pődör Dóra: Ételhez és italhoz köthető magyar jövevényszavak az angolban, 74-88.

Gábor Patkós: Tamás Juhász (ed.): Art in Urban Space: Reflections on City Culture in Europe and North-America, Budapest – Paris, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary – L’Harmattan Publishing, 2021, 266 pp., 89-92.

Fabiny Tibor: Stróbl Erzsébet: I. Erzsébet: Egy mítosz születése, Budapest, L’Harmattan, 2022, 344. o., 93-97.

Tamás Juhász: “Becoming”: Review of Kornélia Horváth – Judit Mudriczki – Sarolta Osztroluczky (eds.): Diversity in Narration and Writing: The Novel, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022, 305 pp., 98-99.

Dóra Bernhardt: Jonathan Brant – Edward Brooks – Michael Lamb (eds.): Cultivating Virtue in the University, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, 288 pp., 100-102.

Anita Barta: Lieven Ameel (ed.): The Routledge Companion to Literary Urban Studies, New York, Routledge, 2023, 498 pp., 103-105.

Mária Varga: Review of Francine Prose: Cleopatra: Her History, Her Myth, E-book ed., New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2022, 224 pp., 106-109.

Orpheus Noster 15. évf. 2. sz. (2023)



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